The main areas of fundraising

The David Suzuki Foundation: campaign for Santa Claus



Think of everything that Santa has done for you – now is your chance to help him.

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AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons): legacies booklet and newsletter


This booklet and newsletter were the centerpiece of a direct marketing legacy promotion programme. Given the huge size of the AARP membership and the substantial range of interests and abilities, Mal Warwick Associates opted to organise the multi-faceted legacy programme illustrated in these materials.

Please note: This exhibit is "under construction"

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The NSPCC legacies TV ad: the ‘what will we leave?’ campaign

The NSPCC’s latest TV advertisement is beautifully filmed, powerful, simple and right on target.


This campaign is a first for legacy fundraising in the UK. The NSPCC were able to create a positive, happy and colourful campaign; creating ‘talkability’ around the difficult subject of legacies.

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Charter 88: the ‘buy-out’ letter



Is candour just too dangerous a commodity for charities?. This simple mailing achieved Charter 88's best ever response in its early days.

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Aide et Action: press ads/thank you methodology


A simple idea for 'start-up NGOs' based on true donor relationship building. What's really significant here is the way that Aide et Action's CEO cultivated and encouraged press involvement and support, so that they were were only too willing to help with donations of free advertising space.

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CARE USA: donor acquisition chaperoned emails



CARE USA responded to the violence in Gaza with remarkable humanitarian aid and a strong call to action for new donors. Being ready to appeal for new supporters during emergencies, or at times when your issue is in the public eye can help you to acquire more donors for your cause. To acquire new online donors at a low cost, CARE sent chaperoned emails through online publishers.

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LA Gay and Lesbian Center: legacy leadership campaign


The centre created an exceptional legacy programme, combining the best of direct mail and telephone marketing with sensitive cultivation and stewardship techniques.

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The Soi Dog Foundation: acquiring regular donors through Facebook


This exhibit shows that social media can secure regular donations, recruit new donors and, more than that, generate enough income to be regarded as a sustainable source of funding. And we've got the results to prove it.

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Oxfam: The Hunger £ Million Campaign


The Oxfam Hunger £ Million Campaign is a great example of press advertising that gives an urgent need and a clear call to action. It raised £1,000,000 in three months in 1963. How much would that be worth today? Guess which ad made a SOFII volunteer jump.

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Seeing Eyes for Blind People: sponsor a puppy who’ll grow into a seeing eye dog

ad with puppy


This classic direct mail appeal uses a simple questionnaire as an involvement device. Also of note is the way that the proposition has been cleverly tailored to appeal to its Australian audience.

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HEKS charity shop Switzerland: virtual but not traditional gifts


This first exhibit to come to SOFII from a Swiss fundraising organisation could hardly be better. This campaign was created to give donors an option to buy a virtual Christmas gift, the money raised from which benefits disadvantaged people overseas and in Switzerland.

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Macmillan Cancer Support: the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

They look as if they’re having fun.


What would fundraising be without volunteers? Another great exhibit that shows how partnerships can turn a simple idea into pure gold.

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