The main areas of fundraising

Casa Speranti Edelweiss campaign



Public fundraising is an increasingly important but still emerging activity in Romania. Here Casa Speranti correctly identified the power of linking their fundraising initiatives to the church.

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Croatian Dogs appeal for new building

guide dog ad


This campaign to build a rehabilitation centre in Zagreb raised a large amount of money at an impressively low cost to income ratio.

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Hannah’s school cake and biscuit bake

Hannah baking


Emboldened by the success of her first fundraising direct mail appeal, talented nine-year old fundraiser Hannah is this time raising money for her school’s funds by baking cakes.

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Deerfield Academy: Bruce Barton’s fundraising letters for letters 9, 10 and 11, from 1948 and 1949


Reporting back, storytelling and irresistible offers – more fundraising gems from Bruce Barton.

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Ben Franklin touring education and fundraising shows


This creative example of fundraising educational entertainment seems to SOFII to be very flexible and potentially easy to copy.

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ITIHAS (I Think I Have a Solution) leadership workshop


If you want to find new angles on fundraising, SOFII has long been an advocate of keeping a close eye on what’s happening in India.

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Deerfield Academy: Bruce Barton’s fundraising letters from 1946/47, letters 6, 7 and 8


Featured here are letters six, seven and eight from the 21 letters in this SOFII series, three more fine examples of the fundraising letter-writer's art from an age gone by.

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Deerfield Academy: Bruce Barton’s fundraising letters from 1945, letters 3, 4 and 5


These letters are masterful examples of wrapping up serious information in easy conversational style. Find letters three, four and five here.

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A profile of Mal Warwick: America’s genial guru of fundraising direct mail

by Christiana Stergiou

What we at SOFII have to say about this guy.

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Data is gold. But only if you can get to its real value

people crowded onto a truck

by Chuck Longfield

All fundraisers know that their data is valuable. All fundraisers know that developing an existing donor is many times less costly than recruiting a new one. All fundraisers know that fundraising should be integrated, that focusing on the donor is more appropriate than on the medium of communication, that...well, that there are a lot of things we all know full well but we still don’t do the right thing by them. Data is one of these, perhaps one of the most obvious and important.

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Deerfield Academy: Bruce Barton’s fundraising letters from the 1940s, letters 1 and 2


Written between 1944 and 1960, the 22 letters in this series reputedly raised over US$2 million. Serious direct mail copywriters will study these letters carefully and will profit accordingly.

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Deerfield Academy: the Bruce Barton classic long copy letter from 1925 that pulled a 100 per cent response

Left: Barton addresses an audience, perhaps at Deerfield Academy (we have no idea). And at home with a friend, right.

by Carolina Herrera

He sounds like the racy detective hero from a 1930s crime thriller. But Bruce Barton is something else, for sure – a great copywriter and communicator.

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