The main areas of fundraising

University of Washington: ‘stuff the bus’ campaign.


‘Stuff the bus’ campaigns are fundraising events all over North America, each organised entirely by volunteers in their local towns with great success.

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Dr Barnardo’s Homes: how the death of Carrots led to a powerful slogan, from 1866


The death of a lonely young boy led Dr Barnardo to declare that the children’s homes that bore his name should never, ever close their doors to any child. A great example of fine writing combined with sincerity.

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Culver Academies: by example campaign


It’s not often SOFII gets to showcase an alumni fundraising campaign and this one is an absolute cracker. This campaign managed to exceed their (already ambitious) target, not once but twice.

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WaterAid’s plastic bag mailing


Every day in developing countries thousands of women (mainly) face the difficult task of fetching and carrying water from its source to their homes. It’s a gruelling daily duty most donors would find very hard to imagine. Could this concept be applied imaginatively to a fundraising appeal? Of course it could!

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How I wrote it: the Starlight Children’s Foundation emergency appeal

by Fergal Byrne & Sean Triner

In this, the fourth of a series of interviews with leading fundraising writers, Sean Triner talks with Fergal Byrne about a fundraising appeal letter he wrote on spec for the Starlight Children’s Foundation, Australia, in 2009. In this conversation Sean tells Fergal how he wrote the letter and what really matters in making sure this kind of letter is a success.

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Deerfield Academy: Bruce Barton’s fundraising letters from 1960, letter 22


It has been a pleasure and a privilege to bring you all these letters from that master of direct mail letter-writing, Bruce Barton. But, as the infamous ‘they’ say, ‘all good things must come to an end’. Yes, this is the last SOFII has. But, of course, as they also say, ‘the glass is half full’, so maybe there are more out there that will find their way to SOFII.

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Deerfield Academy: Bruce Barton’s fundraising letters from 1957 and 1958, letters 20 and 21


Bruce Barton’s letters are all about the donors’ achievements, so are welcome news packed with flattery and tales of selflessness and fine motives.

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Deerfield Academy: Bruce Barton’s fundraising letters from 1956 and 1957, letters 18 and 19


There’s no trickery in these letters, no artifice, no phoney PSs. Just direct, honest talking put in such an endearing and charming way as to become irresistible for those recipients who share the writer’s enthusiasm for Deerfield Academy and his passionate belief that it should give the best education possible to its students.

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Why your charity (still) needs better thank-you letters

Click to read letter 1.

by Lisa Sargent

So you’ve heard that, thanks to Lee Saunders, SOFII will champion the renaissance of the charity thank-you letter. Renaissance, you say? A lofty word, that, for the humble thank-you letter. 

But if you aim to raise money for good causes, the thank-you letter is still among your mightiest tools.

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Deerfield Academy: Bruce Barton’s fundraising letters from 1955 and 1956, letters 16 and 17

The Bruce Barton Letters


A four-year gap between Bruce Barton's letters for Deerfield Academy in no way diminished his exceptional capacity for penning a powerful appeal. Read, reflect and recycle, for there is real treasure here.

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Founding of the British Red Cross: a spectacular result from a letter to a national newspaper, 1870


This is an important piece of fundraising history. It explains how one of the world’s most significant international humanitarian organisations took root in the UK. Also, it records the moment when a brief correspondence in a leading national newspaper of the day showed the British public’s extraordinary capacity to react with inspirational generosity at a time of evident need.

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Ocean Conservancy: membership drive

A colourful pack with a neat underlying idea.


In fundraising via direct mail, attempts to better a control pack (also known as beating the banker pack) are always interesting and usually instructive. This pack from Ocean Conservancy exemplifies much of dm fundraising best practice.

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