The main areas of fundraising

UNICEF and Futbol Club Barcelona: a global partnership for children

Young footballers from the Kids League pose for photos before the FC Barcelona-Zaragoza game at Barcelona’s Camp.


UNICEF scores for children through forming a valuable, useful partnership. Together UNICEF and the Barcelona football club will use this power in numerous ways to further the cause of children.

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Dream a Dream’s ‘uncrush a dream’ campaign

Indian children


From India, this 'uncrush a dream' concept is a brilliant idea for engaging donors, whether it used when introducing and explaining a cause to passers-by in the street or as people gather at organised events.

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A ‘magic porridge pot’ for those new to major gifts – but keen to learn

book cover

by Neil Sloggie

Major gift fundraising has been the ‘next big thing’ in a number of fundraising markets around the world for far too long. By this I mean that, although there is excellent work being done in this area by some not-for-profits, too many are held back by fear and lack of understanding…

Review by Charlotte Grimshaw.

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Amnesty International Australia: David Hicks press insert 2007


The clever presentation of a compelling message and the chance for involvement in a campaign that could make a real, tangible difference presented AIA…

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Farm Africa: a thank-you letter and gift

Farm Africa thank you letter and coffee beans.


This is just a very nice thank-you letter that is easy to copy, though perhaps it would be best not to do so directly, but rather to adapt the idea behind it in a way that’s distinctive, individual and personal to your cause.

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Help the Aged ‘...little piece of plastic’ direct mail acquisition pack



More than a year after this classic pack originally appeared on SOFII, its originator, Chris Stoddard, has come forward with the full story.

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Dr Barnardo’s Homes: four fundraising greats from the distant past


Dr Thomas Barnardo was one of the Victorian era's great philanthropists. These archive examples of his personal fundraising style and efforts are a unique treasure for the body of fundraising knowledge and best practice.

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The early Christian Church: Paul the apostle motivates his church’s donors – c. 56 AD

Painting of St Paul


This could be the first ever appeal for regular, committed donors. In the early days of the Christian church the missionary Paul asked his supporters in the city of Corinth to set aside a small portion of their income regularly, to sustain victims of a famine and then later to support good works generally.

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Make–A–Wish Foundation: high value direct mail appeal


by Mal Warwick

The innovative proposal format singles out this interesting, informative and award-winning direct mail pack for special attention on SOFII.

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Hannah’s innovative direct mail appeal


Is real talent something you are born with, or can create, if you work at it really hard and smart? At best, we feel, it's a bit of both.

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The gold standard in fundraising, part 2: exceeding expectations.

by Ken Burnett

Final part of a conversation about transformational fundraising that Giles Pegram and Redmond Mullin had recently with SOFII’s Ken Burnett.

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The gold standard in fundraising, part 1: laying the foundations.

by Ken Burnett

Giles Pegram of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) and Redmond Mullin of Redmond Mullin Limited describe how a seminal five-year fundraising campaign irrevocably transformed the fortunes of one of Britain’s top charities.

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