The main areas of fundraising

Kids Help Phone: buy a kid some time

A series of emails were sent out to past donors which encouraged them to visit the ‘buy a kid some time’ campaign microsite.


This exhibit demonstrates how a simple but powerful message combined with a comprehensive integrated campaign strategy can secure real success.

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Interactive fundraising

by Lucy Innophoria

In her fifth blog for SOFII, Lucy asks if ‘fun-raising’ could be the key to boosting your fundraising and shares some fantastic interactive campaigns from both the charity and the corporate sectors.

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The Children’s Hospital Trust operating theatre complex campaign


This is a good example of how different types of fundraising can work alongside one another to create a successful campaign with a broad appeal.

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My favourite TV ads

by Frances Hurst

Frances Hurst, co-founder of Birdsong Charity Consulting, has chosen her top adverts…all from the 1980’s.

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The best developments of 2010.

by Lucy Innophoria

In her fourth post for SOFII, Lucy reflects on the coolest developments of 2010: apps, interactions and gaming and their impact on the fundraising sector. Could you use them in your next campaign?

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My top 10 TV ads.

by Elly Woolston

In this showcase, you will find adverts that have inspired, amused and engaged the public… which is something we should all be doing to our donors on a regular basis. Take a look and see what fundraising lessons you could learn.

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Augmented reality: the latest craze to hit the world of flashmobs

by Lucy Innophoria

In our third post from the world of innophoria, Lucy tells us about the latest craze to hit the fundraising sector, augmented reality. Take a look to find out exactly what it is, where it’s being used and how it can help to improve your fundraising.

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The Wishing Well Appeal for Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital


It's difficult to do justice to a capital campaign as wide, and complex. This is a condensed summary of a major capital campaign which, at the time, was the largest appeal ever mounted in the UK.

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The Wishing Well Appeal: What makes a good appeal chair?

by Marion Allford

Women of course are every bit as likely to make an effective appeal chair as men, but the term 'chairman' has been used merely for editorial ease. It should be notes that it is also written very much from the viewpoint of a British national major appeal. It's helpful all the same.

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Defenders of Wildlife: multi-channel direct marketing integration


With more nonprofits engaging in online marketing, those that are coordinating their messages or campaigns across many channels are standing out above the crowd.Defenders of Wildlife are leaders in the field and here we look at three of their campaigns to highlight some of the best multi-channel integrated marketing in the sector.

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How I wrote it: the ActionAid iguana letter

by Fergal Byrne & Aline Reed

Are you sitting down to write your next appeal? In this article, Aline Reed takes you through a letter she wrote in 2005. It was part of ActionAid UK’s long-running mid-value donor programme. Aline explains her approach to writing stories that move donors to action, and offers hints and tips that will help you to do the same. 

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British Red Cross: the £7.7 billion appeal that changed British fundraising forever


The Duke of Gloucester’s Red Cross and St John Appeal Fund is the largest charitable fund in the history of British fundraising, raising the equivalent of £7.7 billion. This monumental exhibit should be read by all.

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