United Way: the impact calculator
- Exhibited by
- Conor Byrne.
- Added
- October 26, 2009
- Medium of Communication
- Online
- Target Audience
- Individuals, single gift
- Type of Charity
- Community & social services, education, healthcare
- Country of Origin
- Date of first appearance
- August, 2008
SOFII’s view
A great idea for engaging your donors that is simple and neat. They are bound to love it and, with the wonders of modern technology, it’s something that any organisation with a website can easily do.
Creator / originator
Capital Area United Way.
Summary / objectives
To show what impact a donation will make in your organisation.
I was checking out the Capital Area United Way site recently and thought this was a clever tool. It allows donors to put in an amount and it lets them know the impact of their donation. I know a lot of charities do similar pages about what your donation can do, but I just thought this was a more interactive version of that basic idea. Nice work.
Special characteristics
It’s a simple tool.
Influence / impact
The impact calculator can be (and should be) put on every donate page on charity websites.
Very little.
It is a simple tool that can be adapted by others.

Also in Categories
- Individual donors