102 pages tagged with Online:
- A story that wakes you up in your career If emotional responses raise money, then fundraisers need to think about the last story that genuinely ‘woke them up in their career’ and made them feel something.
- Abortion Support Network: ‘Why do you support ASN?’ By asking a simple question of their donors and sharing the responses in later communications, a small charity provided inspiration for all fundraisers.
- ACLU: Stand for Rights. Stand for Freedom When contacted by the American Civil Liberties Union only weeks before a massive telethon, which would be hosted on Facebook and make use of the brand new Facebook Donate system, Open America were handed a massive job with very little time to execute it. The way Paul and his team responded shows initiative and willingness to be bold and daring and to work with new technologies and methods.
- Act for Peace's refugee social experiment A filmed social experiment that tested Australia's compassion for refugees and led to viral success for the charity.
- ActionAid ‘Bollocks to Poverty’ campaign This is a very brave campaign. It talks directly to young people in the language they use everyday, with no punches pulled.
- Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) end-of-year campaign Please click here to see the award-winning video – full of emotion, powerful images and evocative language – that helped Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation smash its $40,000 target.
- ALS Foundation Netherlands: I have already died This powerful and moving campaign gives a storytelling platform to people who have ALS.
- Amnesty International Australia: David Hicks press insert 2007
- Anne Frank Trust UK: the ‘thirteen-in-13’ campaign Seventy years before social media, a 13-year-old girl changed the way we see our world forever. Now the Anne Frank Trust in the UK has started a campaign to encourage young people with a thirteenth birthday in 2013 to write to the prime minister, David Cameron, to tell him what kind of world they would like to see.
- ANT Foundation: how new technologies delivered the human touch during Covid-19 This is a marvellous story about how an Italian cancer charity responded to the pandemic by innovating while maintaining their human touch.
- APOPO: HeroRAT rat adoption programme Another highly successful sponsorship programme. The Belgian charity APOPO have encouraged very many people to part with their euros to adopt a rat – and save a life.
- Arrels Fundació: cardboard hearts for the homeless Arrels Fundació have come up with an excellent way to wear your heart on your sleeve to raise money and awareness of the growing number of homeless people in Barcelona. It is also easily copied.
- Arthritis Care: ‘people like us’ campaign This colourful, imaginative campaign recruited new members at one third of previous costs because it’s creative, engaging and thought-provoking. It stirred people from their daily routine into doing something different.
- Bank4Hope: a new ‘bank’ to enhance transparency and accountability The founders of Bank4Hope aim to manage and continuously develop this ‘bank’ to support the work of charities in monitoring and fundraising. Their goal is to revolutionise global giving.
- Big Dog Ranch - Great Give 2017 With excellent donor stewardship using the latest technology and a bank of research to back its strategy, this campaign was a rip-roaring success and shows the value of learning from the past to improve on the present.
- Bitcoin for fundraisers Is Bitcoin the next ‘BIG THING’ for fundraisers? Could it work wonders for your organisation?
- Bloody Good Period: Festive period campaign A campaign that won the hearts and minds at IWITOT (I Wish I’d Thought of That) 2019 – Bloody Good Period’s festive outing combined humour with a clear message that appealed to its target audience.
- Bosnian Handicrafts: ‘shopping with a purpose’ campaign This highly professional multi-media campaign from Bosnia shows that inspirational and innovative fundraising can succeed anywhere.
- Breast Cancer Research Foundation: ‘Pink Mercy’ skin Teaming up with gaming giants Blizzard, Breast Cancer Research Foundation showed true inspiration in coming up with the perfect marriage between a good cause and the world of modern video games.
- British Heart Foundation ‘Gift of Hope’ and ‘Give in Celebration’ Find out how the British Heart Foundation completely reinvented their strategy for in memory giving. How? By providing a more involving experience for donors and making great use of new technology. A wonderful lesson for all fundraisers
- British Heart Foundation: MyMarathon Making great use of digital technology, the British Heart Foundation created a trail-blazing virtual event.
- Bulgarian Red Cross: ‘one SMS, one hot meal for one Bulgarian child’ campaign These campaigns successfully united several established fundraising techniques including building corporate alliances and the use of new and old media.
- Calgary Zoo: annual report 2012 on Instagram Calgary Zoo in Canada publishes the first annual report on Instagram.
- Camp Rising Sun: the impact of an infographic This infographic is visually appealing, uses technology available to organisations of all sizes and demonstrates the key fundamentals of fundraising – make a compelling case for support and demonstrate to your donors the impact of their gifts.
- Capital Area United Way: a well-captioned photo is worth 1,000 words By re-designing their website and including a special online photo documentary Capital Area United Way found a way to tell their story and proved that a picture really can tell a thousand words.
- Cards Against Humanity Saves America In an audacious and hilarious campaign, irreverent card game Cards Against Humanity took on Donald Trump at his own Twitter game and raised two million dollars in just nine hours for good causes.
- CARE packages: returning to their roots In this exhibit CARE looked back at their own history and decided to launch a new and improved version of their traditional CARE packages that were first introduced in 1946. Updated with a modern twist, this campaign demonstrates the future of online giving
- CDE project 11c digital section 1: the approach Digital, mobile and email fundraising did not feature a great deal in the Etherington report of 2015 - or the maelstrom of media focus following the tragic death of Olive Cooke.
- CDE project 11c digital section 2 part 1: putting the principles and actions into practise Technological innovation and its use for charity - Understand and design based on donor preferences - Online Journeys
- CDE project 11c digital section 2 part 2: putting the principles and actions into practise Usability - General website usability - Accessibility - Language use - Storytelling - Storytelling and conversations
- CDE project 11c digital section 2 part 3: putting the principles and actions into practise Marketing consent - Email marketing - Mobile-oriented design and browser adaptation - Search Engine Optimisation - How donations are accepted
- CDE project 11c summary: digital This guidance is intended to help fundraisers, supporter engagement staff and the organisation you work for to design better online supporter experiences that engage and delight them.
- Change Heroes: a new fundraising platform The aim of each of Change Heroes’ campaign is to bring together groups of 33+ friends to donate $3.33 a day for three months, which equals $10,000. This will enable their charity partners to build a school, library, or water project in a developing country.
- Covenant House Alaska: ‘moustache march’ Covenant House helps homeless and runaway youth in Alaska. Moustache march, has brought new supporters to their cause, as well as raising much-needed funds.
- Cure Cancer Australia: ‘can too’ sporting events Young people raise money for a great cause while being coached by professionals in a whole variety of sporting skills.
- Depaul UK e la sua audace invenzione: un’applicazione per sensibilizzare sul tema dei senzatetto L’applicazione iHobo di Depaul UK è la prima app pensata per sensibilizzare sul tema dei giovani senzatetto. Nei primi 5 giorni dal suo lancio, questa app è diventata la numero uno per download nel Regno Unito. E da allora, è stata scaricata 600.000 volte. Sembrerebbe funzionare, no?
- DirectChange.org website Is this the future of fundraising; giving donors direct control over where their money goes, instant feedback and the flexibility to decide what they will support, when and how? DirectChange.org is an exemplary use of new technology to bring new donors (and a new generation of donors) into charity to help meet urgent needs.
- Dogs Trust: sponsor a dog One of the most imaginative, instructive adaptations of the concept fundraisers have dubbed ‘the best fundraising proposition of all time’.
- Dream-a-Dream Foundation: ‘dine for a good cause’ campaign Dream a Dream is one of a small but growing band of entrepreneurial Indian NGOs that are building a vibrant and progressive nonprofit sector in India. The idea behind this campaign is simple but stunningly effective, creating a win/win situation for both commercial partner and cause.
- Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme: ‘eco-actors’ By giving their supporters the chance to become ‘eco-actors’ the Fondation Nicholas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme (the Nicholas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Mankind) forged a special relationship with them and raised an amazing amount of money.
- Friends of the Earth: the Bee Cause This extremely important campaign from Friends of the Earth perfectly integrates fundraising and genuine participation, through beautifully produced and interesting involvement devices, both online and offline.
- Give as you Live™. A free fundraising mechanism that could unlock a potential £1.25 billion of unrestricted income for charities in the UK alone sounds too good to be true. The brains behind Give as you Live think not, read how you can get in on the action.
- Give Them Refuge Christmas Campaign Through a hard-hitting and powerful video ad and social media campaign, Refuge exponentially increased traffic to their website and the number of donations they received.
- Help Hollie ‘pants on your head’ campaign A heartwarming, bittersweet story for Anthony Nolan blood cancer charity. Follow the link to learn of Hollie’s brave and funny campaign to raise both money and awareness.
- Help Refugees: Choose Love pop-up shop Ben Eden-Davies sings the praises of Choose Love, a unique pop-up charity shop with a smart and engaging difference.
- Hope and Homes for Children: End the Silence Hope and Homes developed a superb campaign to bring light to the lives of children in orphanages with their End the Silence campaign, using positive imagery, a novel pair of donation options and the music we all love.
- How Alzheimer's Society transformed it’s online giving experience Getting a donor’s online experience right is crucial for modern day charities. Find out how Alzheimer’s Society UK did just that and reaped massive rewards.
- How Save the Dogs used a founder’s birthday for fundraising success Discover the multi-channel campaign that helped an Italian charity raise enough money to build a shelter for stray dogs.
- Improve your supporters’ online experience to raise your fundraising results James Herlihy of Dutch agency Mindwize shares his essential steps for avoiding a poor online experience for donors. He also gives his advice on how to power yourself to fundraising success.
- Interval House: the gratitude report This great report is hot off the press, so SOFII is looking forward to hearing what the readers think about their gratitude report.
- IWITOT at IFC: Save the Children ‘Most Shocking Second a Day’ For I Wish I’d Thought Of That at the International Fundraising Conference 2018, Spriha Shrestha of Restless Development Nepal explained why she wishes she'd thought of this iconic video campaign from Save the Children.
- Kids Company: the ‘plate pledge’ appeal How to shift from ‘word-of-mouth marketing is risky’ to ‘word-of-mouth marketing is powerful’.
- Kids Help Phone: buy a kid some time This exhibit demonstrates how a simple but powerful message combined with a comprehensive integrated campaign strategy can secure real success.
- Kiva: person-to-person micro-lending The first video gives a real sense of excitement and shows vividly the scope of Kiva’s work. The second is the simple story of Pedro and his family and how Kiva’s lenders are helping him fight his way out of poverty.
- Knickers Model’s Own in aid of Cancer Research UK A grieving daughter's fashion tribute to her mother became a highly successful digital fundraising campaign that turned grief into a triumph and a legacy, raising nearly £60,000.
- L’Associazione Parkinson inglese: la campagna di Dave il Verme Dave il Verme e’ un personaggio divertente e arguto che ha permesso all’Associazione Parkinson Inghilterra di diventare competitivo rispetto ad altre NGO. E cosi’anche il tema della ricerca scientifica diventa interessante e coinvolgente tanto da convincere i sostenitori ad attivare una donazione regolare a favore della causa.
- La fondazione Arrels: cuori di cartone per i senzatetto La Fondazione Arrels ha trovato un ottimo modo trasformare un piccolo cuore di cartone da semplice spilla ad uno strumento per raccogliere fondi e richiamare l’attenzione sul problema dei senzatetto di Baracellona. Un’idea semplice e facilmente repicabile.
- Leading the resistance: the American Civil Liberties Union Ali Walker celebrates the American Civil Liberties Union's resistance to Donald Trump's travel ban and how it raised incredible funds without even asking, just by being a beacon of hope.
- Macmillan Cancer Support: eCards platform update Macmillan Cancer Support wanted to update their eCards platform, which was too dependent on Adobe Flash software. Instead they created a modern platform that could be optimised for mobiles and tablets. Read on to find out more.
- Malaria No More and CollegeHumor: malarious Malaria No More have discovered that laughter is a great entry point to learning – even about something as deadly as malaria.
- Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: ‘Just $5’ email appeal This is a simple yet effective fundraising email campaign, with straightforward wording and a low level ask.
- Merlin’s Plumpy’Nut challenge: fun, easy, something anyone could do Merlin’s challenge to the Twittersphere raised lots of money and reached people who had not previously heard of Merlin or the food crisis in Africa.
- Mermaids: how one man raised £250k by playing a game. The story of how one man took on prejudice and transphobia by raising £250k in just two days.
- Missing People: the online annual review How to use the Internet to brilliantly present your flagship publication. In this piece you will see reporting to donors as it should be, easily accessible, transparent, exciting, informative, using all the potential for short, high-impact and memorable messages that makes the Internet such a versatile medium for fundraisers.
- Movember: moustache-growing campaign for men’s health
- Netherlands Red Cross and 3FM: Serious Request Discover how a partnership between the Netherlands Red Cross and a leading radio station raised serious funds and made a serious impact.
- New year, new changes in digital fundraising – five tips to help you prepare Changes in online marketing and data privacy have made it harder than ever to find new donors. And as we embark on a new year in fundraising, more shifts are on the horizon. So what can fundraisers like you do to make sure you’re prepared to communicate with and nurture your donors in an ever-evolving digital landscape?
- NO MORE's Super Bowl 49 PSA: Listen This ad to raise awareness of domestic violence simply and chillingly depicts a 911 call of a woman pretending to order a pizza with her attacker still in the house.
- NSPCC's improved online giving experience An easy and accessible user experience was the aim of the game for the NSPCC when they decided to overhaul their online donation pages.
- Omaze and W.E. Can Lead: Idris Elba Valentine’s Day campaign A clever and innovative campaign offered donors the prize of a lifetime: a ‘date’ with superstar Idris Elba.
- One Girl: Do It In A Dress Dresstastic challenge event from Australia that allows volunteers to use their creative fundraising juices and have fun.
- Pareto Fundraising: Sean’s automated out-of-office email message Sean Triner’s out-of-office bounce-back is brilliant and simple as well as easy to steal, right now.
- Plan UK: ‘plan your story’ innovative new video and Facebook app Have Plan UK changed fundraising by launching this new app?
- Playmob: a gaming platform to raise money for global projects A new simplified online gaming platform that aims to raise $100 billion for global projects by 2016.
- Refuge: The Helen Titchener (nee Archer) Rescue Fund A fan of Radio BBC 4's popular programme 'The Archers' created an online fundraising page for Refuge in response to a domestic violence storyline.
- Rhode Island Foundation: why less can be more with the annual report, particularly when it comes to legacies To send or not to send? If you ask your donors if they want to receive your annual report, why do you think they don’t reply? It could be inertia, ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’. Maybe they think they'll be saving you time and money, they’re nice, considerate people after all. By the same token intertia will stop them going to your website to view your report online – and you will never know. If you send a printed copy, you know they have it and might they not be more likely to look at it, if it’s there in their hands? The stories here from Tom Ahern and the Rhode Island Foundatio show the power of the printed word.
- RNLI online live launch map The Royal National Lifeboat Association interactive map that gives their donors a 24-hour, every day of every year window into the heart of their mission.
- Roundabout's Sleep out Speaking at IWITOT 2018, Harry Owens of the Sepsis Trust shared his experiences of sleeping rough for a night as part of a challenge fundraising event to combat homelessness, and the insight he got into homeless youth support charity Roundabout's crucial work and the very real challenges faced by their beneficiaries.
- RSPCA New South Wales: cupcake day The brilliant thing about this idea is that the supporters do most of the work and they have a great time too.
- S.A.L.V.E International: Motorbike May appeal A simple idea that any small charity could try. This small but mighty appeal helped a small organisation share stories of the impact they have and raise money for something that they urgently needed – a motorbike.
- Sean Triner’s 40th birthday appeal A highly personal and very effective anniversary fundraising effort from an acknowledged master of the detailed, well-structured ask.
- SOS Children's Villages Norway: would you give your jacket to Johannes? Would you give your coat to a freezing child? Strangers help a young boy sitting alone without a jacket in freezing weather in a campaign that raised awareness of the plight of Syrian refugees.
- Spot the elementary mistake in this advertisement Embracing the Internet is of course crucial for modern charities. Andrew Papworth, however, argues that this World Food Programme ad makes the mistake of ignoring an important section of society by focusing so heavily on online users.
- St Michael’s Hospital Foundation: personalised website This detailed exhibit shows how the St Michael’s Hospital Foundation increased their online giving by 20 per cent by transforming their dated and difficult-to-use website to a user-friendly, simple, personalised medium of communication.
- Strømme Foundation: ‘poverty buster’ (‘fattigdomsbekjemper’) Strømme Foundation is an innovative Norwegian charity working to fight poverty in the developing world. The scheme is an imaginative way of engaging younger donors.
- Ten easy fixes for the design of your donation form Beate Sorum shares digital how-tos, things to do and not to do and 10 tips to make your online donation form work much better.
- The Children’s Center, Detroit: ‘children should be seen and not hurt’ winter appeal How the Children's Center in Detroit turned dwindling finances and donations into a huge success through a seamless, integrated, multi-channel campaign.
- The Dogs Trust: sponsor a dog scheme, television commercials These television commercials are really part of the Dogs Trust sponsor a dog exhibit but they show such good use of DRTV they are worth an additional airing here. Unusually for nonprofit DRTV in the United Kingdom these ads made a profit from their first showing. Quite exceptionally, the early ads achieved a return on investment of five to one.
- The École Centrale Paris (Central School of Paris): alumni online challenge This online promotion raised double the amount of previous offline activities.
- The HandleBards: Finding the best ‘messenger’ for an online fundraising appeal Will the identity of the messenger have an impact on the level of and number of gifts? This small theatre company tested the importance of the messenger when embarking on a £10,000 fundraising drive for their hugely important education programme.
- The hashtag - I wish I’d thought of that Social media and fundraising go hand in hand, and these days there is one little symbol with the power to connect thousands of people to your cause. Of course, it's the hashtag. But why has the hashtag gone from being a neglected key on our keyboards to one we just can't afford to ignore?
- The Lost Dogs’ Home, Melbourne: Friend of PAWs microsite Although in recent years the Internet has by any definition come into its own as an indispensable tool for fundraisers, most are still not adept at using the medium to acquire new donors. So the Lost Dogs’ Home’s successful experience of online acquisition should be closely watched by many.
- The Owl and Monkey Haven: appeal for two lonely capuchins, Martin and Lulu This appeal for the happiness of Martin and Lulu, two lonely capuchin monkeys is charming, honest, urgent and authentic. It captured the attention of supporters across the UK and beyond and is an example of fantastic storytelling without forgetting the ‘ask’.
- The Royal Hospital for Sick Children: Jack Draws Anything Six-year-old Jack wanted to raise £100 for The Royal Hospital for Sick Children to say thank you to them for looking after his brother. His brilliant idea – which he thought of entirely by himself – did what all fundraisers want to do. He touched the hearts of everyone who saw it.
- The Salvation Army: Why is it so hard to see black and blue? Discover how the Salvation Army Southern Africa Territory used a viral meme to raise awareness of the serious issue of domestic violence.
- Tough Mudder A success story from non-professional fundraisers, this time two young men. Tough Mudder is a challenge that includes fire, ice and electric shock obstacles and is more about camaraderie and team spirit than being the best. So far it has raised £5 million across the globe.
- UNESCO: Empowering Local Radios with ICTs An immersive digital story-telling experience which shows the transformative power of local radio in Africa and really connects the target audience with the impact of the project.
- United Way: the impact calculator The calculator allows donors to put in an amount and it lets them know the impact of their donation. This is a simple tool that any organisation with a website can easily do. It’s a great way for engaging donors.
- Want to fight hatred and raise money for a good cause? Do it the fun way! Fighting hatred with humour: learn how a satirical website and a leading foodbank charity took on notorious British tabloid journalist and hate-monger Katie Hopkins and raised a lot of money in the process.
- War Child - Armistice War Child, a UK charity that supports children caught up in conflict zones, had a brilliant idea for their ‘Armistice’ campaign, teaming up with several top gaming companies in a spectacularly innovative way. This could be a future medium for all NGOs.
- WaterAid: The Big Dig A very fine example of how storytelling, done right, can change the world. Isn’t the infographic just great? (SOFII loves the crossed legs). This campaign is fun, innovative, engaging, emotional (imagine how you’d feel with no toilet…) and highly effective as, inevitably, real storytelling in real time was bound to be. Altogether brilliant.
- What kind of experience does your donor encounter when making an online gift? Pamela Grow shares some easy lessons you can steal and pitfalls you can avoid from the best, and worst, of donor experiences.