Dogs Trust

Dogs Trust: Building an engaging supporter experience at ‘Dogs Trust Village’

by Amy Bingham

Step into ‘Dogs Trust Village’ and you’ll discover a masterclass in the supporter experience. This unique event has not only engaged with existing dog-loving supporters, but it’s also helped recruit new ones and raise vital funds. No wonder the CIOF shortlisted the Village for Best Supporter Experience of the Year at their National Fundraising Awards.

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Dogs Trust: Adotta un cane

by Tiziana Fattori

Una storia divertente, tratta dai primi giorni di vita del progetto “adotta un cane a distanza” del The Dogs Trust, ci dimostra come l’idea dell’adozione dei cani riesca a catturare l’immaginazione della gente e persino a motivare i donatori fino a compiere azioni straordinarie per il “proprio” cane.

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The Dogs Trust: sponsor a dog scheme, television commercials


These television commercials are really part of the Dogs Trust sponsor a dog exhibit but they show such good use of DRTV they are worth an additional airing here. Unusually for nonprofit DRTV in the United Kingdom these ads made a profit from their first showing. Quite exceptionally, the early ads achieved a return on investment of five to one.

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Dogs Trust: sponsor a dog


One of the most imaginative, instructive adaptations of the concept fundraisers have dubbed ‘the best fundraising proposition of all time’.

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Dogs Trust canine care card


This is really clever fundraising. The Dogs Trust (formerly National Canine Defence League) offers its supporters the chance to join their canine care scheme which ensures that if they die before their beloved pet dog, NCDL will promise to look after the dog for all its natural life. Is that idea going to appeal to an elderly dog-loving donor? We think so. So, which charity is that dog-loving donor likely to leave a legacy to, then? There are no prizes for getting this right, unless you are The Dogs Trust, who've raised £millions from this scheme.

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