WWF: Virtual reality tiger experience

Experiential marketing and virtual reality are a roaring success for WWF UK's Adopt a Tiger face-to-face campaign.
Read moreWWF UK: ‘Year of the Tiger’ Christmas appeal 2009

This campaign was wildly successful. It is an excellent example of how one appeal, with an urgent and compelling message, can be tailored to fit different types of donor. It is also integrated fundraising at its best.
Read moreWWF: la campagna integrata di marketing e lasciti

by Tiziana Fattori
Questa è una comunicazione davvero “di rottura” per la raccolta fondi. Non solo questi annunci stampa e posters sono i precursori di un nuovo approccio nella promozione dei lasciti (testamentari), ma sono anche stati i primi annunci ad utilizzare un lessico senza tecnicismi e a parlare dei lasciti in modo semplice, con termini del linguaggio comune comprensibile a tutti.
Read moreWWF: la campaña de legados

by Alhelí Quintanilla
Esta campaña fue del todo innovadora. No solamente los anuncios en prensa y los pósters supusieron una perspectiva nueva en la promoción de los legados, también fue la primera vez que se recurría a la jerga y se abordaba el tema de las herencias sin equívocos, con un lenguaje al alcance de todos. Las publicidades contenían unos textos tan desafiantes que, curiosamente, fueron modificadas después, demostrando que los estamentos superiores de la organización eran menos aventuraros que los captadores que las crearon. Por ejemplo, la palabra “adulterio” fue remplazada por la palabra “divorcio”.
Read moreWWF: la campagne marketing legs

by Laura Parrota
Cette campagne est tout à fait innovatrice. Non seulement ces publicités et posters adoptaient une approche nouvelle pour la promotion de legs, mais c’est également la première fois que de telles pubs utilisaient un langage dénué de jargon et abordaient le sujet de la transmission de patrimoine sans équivoques.
Read moreWWF Canada’s press advertising, or... ‘you didn’t really approve this, did you?’

In the early 80s, one way WWF Canada had built its database of donors was by asking magazines to run full page black and white ads featuring endangered species. Readers were encouraged to cut out a coupon, fill it in and send it back with a contribution.
In a creative meeting with the agency who had produced the first three ads, which had been very successful, WWF decided to change the format. In a moment of inspiration, they put the cut-out ad in the middle of the page.
Read moreWWF Canada: new donor questionnaire

This questionnaire, though a separate and distinctive part of WWF’s new donor welcome process, is an integral part of it. Great donor development in practice, and easy to emulate.
Read moreWWF Canada: welcome pack for new donors

Learn how to engage and retain your donors from this early example of a donor-centred welcome pack. This is a very good and highly copyable example of the genre. And, most noteworthy perhaps is that this pack has been structured and written around what the donor would want, not what the organisation wants.
Read moreWWF Hungary: ‘Don’t let Danube’s wildlife be destroyed’ campaign

The ‘Don’t let the Danube’s wildlife be destroyed’ campaign aimed to collect donations for the protection of the Danube River, from the employees of WWF’s partner companies.
Read moreWWF integrated legacy marketing campaign

This is truly ground-breaking communication for fundraising. Not only did these press advertisements and posters herald a new approach to the promotion of legacies (bequests) but they were also the first ads to use jargon-free language and to talk about legacies in plain, everyday terms that any one could understand.
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