The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

How jargon destroys non-profit fundraising and marketing

by Claire Axelrad

Do you use a lot of jargon in your fundraising communications? If so, it’s probably time for a rethink!

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I just did my first round of grant assessing – here’s what I learned

by Vic Hancock Fell

After years of fundraising for small charities, Vic Hancock Fell found herself on the other side of the process – assessing grant applications. Find out what Vic learned and what changes she’ll make when she writes her next application for a trust or foundation.

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Fundraisers, are you ready for a potential cyber attack?

by Jack Steadman

Jack Steadman, chief technology strategist at agency Blue State, shares some crucial steps that he believes could help your organisation maintain cyber security and protect donor data.

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Five sales techniques corporate fundraisers can learn from companies

by Remarkable Partnerships

What can your corporate fundraisers learn from sales techniques in the private sector? Dive into this article to find out.

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Investing in supporter loyalty improves retention and grows income – and now it’s quantifiable

by Roger Lawson

This is a first for our sector – an investigation into donor loyalty involving thousands of donors from a dozen charities. Check out the findings in this article and download your copy of the free report.

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Improve your supporters’ online experience to raise your fundraising results

by James Herlihy

James Herlihy of Dutch agency Mindwize shares his essential steps for avoiding a poor online experience for donors. He also gives his advice on how to power yourself to fundraising success.

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Fundraising in a time of crisis: SOFII’s guide to navigating tough times

by Joe Burnett

In this series, we look at the lessons we can learn from the coronavirus crisis and how fundraisers can use it as an opportunity to change the world.

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Mennonite Central Committee Canada: Tigray, Ethiopia crisis appeal

by BuildGood

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Canada wanted to help refugees of the Tigray crisis in Ethiopia, but they’d only just finished an appeal for victims of the war in Ukraine. Would their kind donors be willing to give again so soon? Find out what happened next, here.

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How to create a donor journey map

by Ally Smith

Ally Smith of fundraising technology company Fundraising KIT shows you how to create a donor journey map and shares why they’re important to your fundraising strategy.

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Stop f***ing about with your logo and stick to fundraising instead

by Mark Phillips

Mark Phillips of Bluefrog Fundraising explores the potential negative impacts of a major charity rebrand and explains why good fundraising is where your emphasis should be.

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DTES Response: Raising money for the community during coronavirus

by Tamara Rahmani

Learn how one Canadian organisation responded to the coronavirus pandemic and made a lasting impact on beneficiaries’ lives.

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Don’t be out of tune on Ukraine

by Claire Axelrad

What is ‘top of mind’ for your donors right now? Claire Axelrad explains why it is always important to address what really matters to your supporters and help them contribute to solving urgent problems. 

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