The Fundraiser’s Toolbox
You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.
Recasting the ‘middle man’ - the role of charities in the age of disintermediation (part one)

by Meredith Niles
In part one of a two-part series on the role of disintermediation in charitable giving, Meredith Niles takes an in-depth look at how the public responded philanthropically to the war in Ukraine. She draws on several research studies to look at donor motivations and help you answer the question, ‘should fundraisers be concerned that people might stop giving via charities altogether?’
Read moreHow to fundraise from trusts and foundations when you have high reserves

by Mike Zywina
What happens if your organisation has ‘too much’ money? While most charities and social enterprises don’t find themselves with high reserves often, this can pose challenges when it happens – especially if you work in trusts and foundations. Mike Zywina shares four tips for what do if your organisation has a lot of funds in reserves or finds itself in an unusual financial position.
Read moreChapter Mental Health: Conversational trust funding application

by David Burgess
In this inspiring case study, David Burgess shares how Matt Zeqiri tried out an innovative trust funding approach that was visually impactful and compelling. Some simple, well thought out changes saw his organisation’s application jump straight to the top of the pile and ensured it secured that all-important funding.
Read moreThe NSPCC and me: one fundraiser, one charity, 17 years of life-changing service

by Ben Swart
Ben Swart shares his 17-year journey as a fundraiser at the NSPCC. In this inspiring article, Ben reflects on his long service and explains why this charity will always hold a special place in his heart. It’s a must-read for any fundraiser just starting out in our sector.
Read moreMy 30 years as a fundraiser

by Michelle Chambers
Michelle Chambers started out working in fashion at Topshop. But once she took on her first role in fundraising, that was it. Michelle was a fundraiser through and through. In this inspiring article, Michelle shares some of her 30-year journey in fundraising with you. Dive in to discover her story and take a look at some important themes that have influenced and changed our profession over three decades.
Read moreChatGPT and fundraising – what do you need to know? (part two)

by Cherian Koshy
In the second instalment of our series on ChatGPT and fundraising, SOFII talks to Cherian Koshy – the founder of a platform that democratises access to artificial intelligence and machine learning for nonprofit organisations. Dive in and explore Cherian’s in-depth insights and opinions on ChatGPT for fundraisers.
Read moreIrregularity – is it the future of regular giving?

by Hannah Moysey
Recruiting regular donors, increasing engagement and reducing attrition are three things that feature in plenty of fundraising strategies. They remain a focus for good reason – all fundraisers want to help their cause with the reliable funds that a base of committed supporters brings. But what if the future of regular giving was less ‘regular’ and more ‘irregular’?
Read moreHow jargon destroys non-profit fundraising and marketing

by Claire Axelrad
Do you use a lot of jargon in your fundraising communications? If so, it’s probably time for a rethink!
Read moreI just did my first round of grant assessing – here’s what I learned

by Vic Hancock Fell
After years of fundraising for small charities, Vic Hancock Fell found herself on the other side of the process – assessing grant applications. Find out what Vic learned and what changes she’ll make when she writes her next application for a trust or foundation.
Read moreFundraisers, are you ready for a potential cyber attack?

by Jack Steadman
Jack Steadman, chief technology strategist at agency Blue State, shares some crucial steps that he believes could help your organisation maintain cyber security and protect donor data.
Read moreFive sales techniques corporate fundraisers can learn from companies

by Remarkable Partnerships
What can your corporate fundraisers learn from sales techniques in the private sector? Dive into this article to find out.
Read moreInvesting in supporter loyalty improves retention and grows income – and now it’s quantifiable

by Roger Lawson
This is a first for our sector – an investigation into donor loyalty involving thousands of donors from a dozen charities. Check out the findings in this article and download your copy of the free report.
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