The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

Introducing Fulfilled Fundraisers, a new learning platform for fundraisers

by Joe Burnett

Now, more than ever, fundraisers want to connect with their peers and help each other. Thankfully there’s a space where you can learn from the best in the business, without even needing to leave your desk: Fulfilled Fundraisers.

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Communication and the English language

by Ken Burnett

Ken Burnett tackles bad use of the English language in fundraising and explains why getting this crucial matter right can make all the difference.

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The Olive Cooke story

by Ken Burnett

How the tragic case of Olive Cooke impacted the fundraising sector and led to radical change.

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The Salvation Army: Coronavirus response campaign

by Gemma Reeve

This multi-platform campaign shows the importance of flexibility in fundraising, especially during the time of coronavirus.

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Top tips to help you get the most out of IWITOT

by Craig Linton

SOFII trustee and fundraising consultant Craig Linton shares eight ways to get the most out of your attendance at a fundraising event like I Wish I’d Thought of That (IWITOT). Don’t let the learning end when the session finishes. 

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A bad ad at a bad time


Domestic violence has been on the rise during the coronavirus pandemic, so Women’s Aid wanted to highlight the issue and ask for donations. However, this bad ad shows how not to try and raise money. 

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Marie Curie: Alpaca Meet & Greet

by Meredith Niles

Marie Curie fundraisers were inspired by an innovative fundraising idea they saw at I Wish I’d Thought of That (IWITOT) 2020. The team worked quickly to turn the idea into a quirky, low-cost campaign featuring alpacas on video calls.

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Trends of the Covid-19 pandemic on fundraising in the UK and the USA

by Daryl Upsall & Jorge Hernando

Could a focus on young people and new avenues of fundraising be a key to beating the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic?

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The pandemic: where has fundraising been, where is it going and where should we be focusing now?

by Giles Pegram CBE

Help is at hand. A free online booklet and webinar are now available to help you deliver great fundraising during the coronavirus pandemic. And the advice all hinges on how to provide a superb supporter experience.

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The science of fundraising: Ask a behavioural scientist, part three

by Kiki Koutmeridou

Does naming your campaign improve acquisition? What should you call your monthly donor programme? The answer to these and other fundraising questions may be found in behavioural science.

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Charity Chat Podcast - How does SOFII inspire fundraisers worldwide?

by Samuel Davies

Joe Burnett, our contributing editor, talks with Samuel Davies of Charity Chat in this great podcast. They discuss the virtues of SOFII and give an insider’s look at what the site and the charity can offer you. 

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Fundraising successes at a time of catastrophe - part one

by Ken Burnett

Across the globe fundraisers are responding to the coronavirus pandemic in innovative and inspirational ways. In the first of two articles, we bring you their stories.

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