Storm ad that ignores humanity

Written by
Jeff Brooks
September 26, 2013

The Ad Council is a juicy source of some real bad nonprofit-ad action.

That’s too bad, because they’ve done some great work in the past. But apparently the forces of clever abstractionism are so strong in the ad industry all you’re going to get when agencies donate their time is self-indulgent, high-production conceptual abstractions.

Like this one, done to encourage donations post Super Storm Sandy.

Get it? Money can turn into anything. So give money!

Give us a break.

Let’s remember the central fact about fundraising: people give to touch people. If you want to unlock their philanthropy, you need to show them who needs help. During times of disaster, this becomes very easy to do, because the news media are putting those images and stories everywhere donors look.

People do not give because they’re impressed by your cleverness and production prowess.

About the author: Jeff Brooks

Jeff Brooks has served the nonprofit community for more than 30 years, working as a writer and creative director on behalf of a variety of organisations including CARE, World Vision, Feeding America, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, National Wildlife Federation, and many more. He blogs at Future Fundraising Now and Moceanic. In previous careers, he’s been an English teacher and a classical musician. He lives in Seattle in the USA.

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