Digital fundraising

JustGiving: a ‘for profit, for good’ platform for online giving.


Is JustGiving the most transformational development in the UK charitable sector since the introduction of street face-to-face fundraising? Find out here. 

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The Children’s Center, Detroit: ‘children should be seen and not hurt’ winter appeal

by Marie Burnett

How the Children's Center in Detroit turned dwindling finances and donations into a huge success through a seamless, integrated, multi-channel campaign. 

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Ten easy fixes for the design of your donation form

by Beate Sørum

Beate Sorum shares digital how-tos, things to do and not to do and 10 tips to make your online donation form work much better.

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Civil Rights Defenders: the Natalia Project, the first assault alarm to protect defenders of human rights

These bracelets have the power to protect civil rights defenders with protection from repressive regimes all over the world.


This remarkable project from Civil Rights Defenders saves the lives of human rights activits working to save people from oppressive regimes. The level of involvement they offer their donors is made possible through excellent use of social media.

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APOPO: HeroRAT rat adoption programme

The HeroRAT campaign launches


Another highly successful sponsorship programme. The Belgian charity APOPO have encouraged very many people to part with their euros to adopt a rat – and save a life.

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Mo-tivations. Why (oh why) am I doing it? And why would you support me?

by Matthew Sherrington

‘You’ll be cool. A dad of teenage daughters will do anything to hear himself described like that. Anything,’ says Matthew Sherrington who listened, faced his fears and grew a ‘mo’ for prostate cancer. But what were the other six motivations that he thinks make people do something for a charity that they know little about? Find out here.

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Movember: a professional fundraiser’s story of raising money through personal sponsorship

Proof, if it was needed, that he raised a lot of money for the fight against prostate cancer.


A great case study from a ‘mo bro’ of doing fundraising, engagement and feedback well, and being focused on supporters’ needs and interest.

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Alexander’s Fund: how fundraising inspired a community to save a life


Alexander’s Fund inspired a community and raised over £255,000 in less than two weeks to save a young boy’s life.

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Breakthrough Breast Cancer: ‘touch look check’ campaign

The leaflet.


This campaign successfully united two aims: to increase knowledge of the warning signs of breast cancer and recruit a large number of regular givers.

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Camp Rising Sun: the impact of an infographic


This infographic is visually appealing, uses technology available to organisations of all sizes and demonstrates the key fundamentals of fundraising – make a compelling case for support and demonstrate to your donors the impact of their gifts.

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S.A.L.V.E International: Motorbike May appeal



A simple idea that any small charity could try. This small but mighty appeal helped a small organisation share stories of the impact they have and raise money for something that they urgently needed – a motorbike.

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University of Leeds: the memories appeal


This multi-channel ‘prospecting’ campaign from the University of Leeds enabled them to reach former students who had drifted away from their former university and exceeded its target by 56 per cent.

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