The main areas of fundraising
Crisis at Christmas
by Joe Burnett
The Crisis at Christmas campaign was presented at this month’s IWITOT in London. Discover for yourself how asking donors for detailed and informative amounts can give you an amazing 19:1 return on investment. I think we wish we’d thought of it!
Read moreNSPCC’s Full Stop campaign - a fundraising triumph. Part three: the appeal
by Giles Pegram CBE
In part three of SOFII's celebration of the NSPCC's superlative Full Stop campaign, Giles Pegram CBE gets into the details of the appeal itself, focusing on great events, celebrity activities and the amazing work of the organisation's supporters and volunteers.
Read moreSanta Dashes aplenty as the festive season approaches
by Joe Burnett
The Santa Dash is fun and colourful event that has spread across the UK and around the globe and raised money for a huge number of charities.
NSPCC’s Full Stop campaign - a fundraising triumph. Part two: the launch and beyond
by Giles Pegram CBE
In part two of our retrospective of the NSPCC's ground-breaking Full Stop campaign, Giles Pegram CBE takes us through the details of the appeal, covering extraordinary events, celebrity supporters and bold initiatives which all contributed to the amazing impact the campaign had on the British public.
Trócaire: ‘Exceptional ask’ direct mail campaign
With intelligent identification and targeting of donors, Irish charity Trócaire exceeded all their expectations with what they called an ‘exceptional ask’ aimed at specific donors. Having honed this strategy over time, it’s now paying off.
Read moreHow to get from Good Intentions to a Great Supporter experience – and retention
by Charlie Hulme
In his second of two articles on how charities operate, Charlie Hulme looks at supporter journeys. All charities like to use the right words like ‘commitment’, but are they actually delivering results? When they do things right, the results can be outstanding, as Charlie demonstrates.
Read moreNSPCC’s Full Stop campaign - a fundraising triumph. Part one: building the foundations
by Giles Pegram CBE
The NSPCC Full Stop appeal was the most successful charity fundraising campaign in British history. We bring you the inside story as told by a man at the heart of it.
Thinking of investing in segmentation? Be careful of these common and costly mistakes
by Charlie Hulme
For all charities, successfully identifying and profiling donors is crucial, but Charlie Hulme has identified five mistakes we too often make in the process. In the first of two articles, Charlie examines these errors and points to a different way of doing things.
Read moreWhat Donors Want - perhaps the most crucial podcast you'll hear this year. Episode two.
by Rachel Stephenson Sheff
What Donors Want episode two features a dynamic philanthropic couple, Lynne and Peter Smitham who co-founded the Kiawah Trust in 2004. Their experiences have been varied and fascinating as they look to have the best impact with their money.
Marie Curie and Yorkshire Building Society – The Hour of Need
Find out about the amazing work Marie Curie in the UK achieved through their partnership with the Yorkshire Building Society. They smashed their fundraising target, involved themselves at every level of YBS’ structure and reached deep into local communities. An inspiration.
Read moreThe Polish Red Cross: Very Good Manners
This campaign by the Polish Red Cross showcases guerilla marketing at its most effective and innovative.
Read moreSOFII’s major donor showcase - introduction and contents
Do you work with major donors? Do you want to be inspired in how you approach and talk to them? Then this showcase will be a treasure trove for you!
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