The main areas of fundraising

Islamic Relief UK: Raising £180,000 via WhatsApp and Facebook messaging

by Emily Collins-Ellis

A clever and modern use of technology by Islamic Relief UK demonstrates how regular interaction with major donors can yield great results by bringing them closer to the charity’s cause.

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Roundabout's Sleep out

by Harry Owens

Speaking at IWITOT 2018, Harry Owens of the Sepsis Trust shared his experiences of sleeping rough for a night as part of a challenge fundraising event to combat homelessness, and the insight he got into homeless youth support charity Roundabout's crucial work and the very real challenges faced by their beneficiaries.

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NSPCC: first successful charity DRTV ad in the UK - ‘Ellie.’

by Giles Pegram CBE

We continue to bring readers extraordinary campaigns from the NSPCC, this time the first successful direct response TV ad in the UK. Meet Ellie.

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Centennial Parklands Foundation Transplant Appeal

by Alex France

With consistent artistic content across multiple platforms and a great community approach, the Centennial Parklands Foundation made a real impact on raising awareness of their organisation's needs, with exciting results.

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ActionAid’s Bold Move: giving donors a say over strategy

by Emily Collins-Ellis

Will you dare to be this bold? When ActionAid UK decided to embark on a new strategy they decided to consult with their major donors. The results may astonish you.

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Chinese take away: reinventing fundraising in the People's Republic of China

by Daryl Upsall

Daryl Upsall looks at the innovations being made in Chinese fundraising, notably how NGOs, working with corporate businesses and the latest technology are having huge impacts in mass digital communications.

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What’s the golden thread that unites us?

by Richard Turner

There were so many great and inspirational ideas shared at I Wish I'd Thought Of That 2018. Which of these will inspire you to transform your fundraising?

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Abortion Support Network: ‘Why do you support ASN?’

by Damian O’Broin

By asking a simple question of their donors and sharing the responses in later communications, a small charity provided inspiration for all fundraisers.

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Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners

by Emily Collins-Ellis

A grassroots campaign by queer activists to support embattled striking miners in 1980s UK provides a blueprint for how apparently incompatible organisations can come together to effect real change.

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Hope and Homes for Children: End the Silence

by Catherine Harris

Hope and Homes developed a superb campaign to bring light to the lives of children in orphanages with their End the Silence campaign, using positive imagery, a novel pair of donation options and the music we all love.

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Crisis at Christmas

by Joe Burnett

The Crisis at Christmas campaign was presented at this month’s IWITOT in London. Discover for yourself how asking donors for detailed and informative amounts can give you an amazing 19:1 return on investment. I think we wish we’d thought of it!

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NSPCC’s Full Stop campaign - a fundraising triumph. Part three: the appeal

by Giles Pegram CBE

In part three of SOFII's celebration of the NSPCC's superlative Full Stop campaign, Giles Pegram CBE gets into the details of the appeal itself, focusing on great events, celebrity activities and the amazing work of the organisation's supporters and volunteers.

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