The main areas of fundraising

Bernie Barnstorms – I Wish I’d Thought Of That

by Fiona Pattison

Take inspiration from volunteer-led barnstorms for Bernie Sanders’ remarkable presidential campaign. Feel the Bern! 

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War Child - Armistice

by Joe Burnett

War Child, a UK charity that supports children caught up in conflict zones, had a brilliant idea for their ‘Armistice’ campaign, teaming up with several top gaming companies in a spectacularly innovative way. This could be a future medium for all NGOs.

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Do you have the answer to the donor consent issue? Here’s a behavioural scientist’s perspective

by Kiki Koutmeridou

Asking for your donors’ consent about when and how to contact them is a hot topic right now. Where do you stand?

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NO MORE's Super Bowl 49 PSA: Listen


This ad to raise awareness of domestic violence simply and chillingly depicts a 911 call of a woman pretending to order a pizza with her attacker still in the house.

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Bluebell Wood's Soapbox Derby 2016

by Joe Burnett

With their first Soapbox Derby, Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice smashed their fundraising target with a fun and thrilling public event.

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Serve or inspire? That is the question

by Richard Turner

Inspire is often a misused word in the fundraising world but it is not just a way of recruiting and even retaining donors. Inspiration can go much, much further.

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CARE International UK: ‘Don’t give, lend’

by Mark Phillips

The saying goes, ‘teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’. This could easily have been the inspiration for the lendwithcare campaign. CARE International UK embarked on a new way of engaging supporters by offering them the chance to lend money rather than donate it. Supporters were able to invest in exciting business opportunities in poor communities – an innovative and economically sound way of developing those communities whilst maintaining the focus and engagement of donors.

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SOFII: the ‘Don’t be LEFT BEHIND, share your brilliance’ special appeal


Even at our most charitable, we feel this campaign really shouldn’t be necessary. But, undeniably, there’s an urgent need in our communities now and it’s not being adequately met. Are you a part of the problem, or a part of the solution?

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ACLU: Stand for Rights. Stand for Freedom

by Joe Burnett

When contacted by the American Civil Liberties Union only weeks before a massive telethon, which would be hosted on Facebook and make use of the brand new Facebook Donate system, Open America were handed a massive job with very little time to execute it. The way Paul and his team responded shows initiative and willingness to be bold and daring and to work with new technologies and methods.

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Macmillan Cancer Support: eCards platform update


Macmillan Cancer Support wanted to update their eCards platform, which was too dependent on Adobe Flash software. Instead they created a modern platform that could be optimised for mobiles and tablets. Read on to find out more.

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MyOxfam app

by Joe Burnett

The MyOxfam app allows supporters of Oxfam to manage their donations to the charity quickly and without hassle; it also gives them real transparency about the impact of their donations.

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UNESCO: Empowering Local Radios with ICTs

by Sue Kershaw

An immersive digital story-telling experience which shows the transformative power of local radio in Africa and really connects the target audience with the impact of the project.

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