The main areas of fundraising

St Baldrick’s Foundation: shaving the way to conquer children’s cancer

St Baldrick's Foundation is a self-proclaimed volunteer-driven charity, raising money to fund research to provide cures to childhood cancers.


This is a wonderful example of volunteer-led fundraising that demonstrates just how successful it can be when you choose an activity that everyone can take part in.

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The London marathon: a human race

London marathon


This exhibit details the interesting history of one of the biggest and most iconic fundraising events of all time – the London marathon. In true SOFII tradition, the idea was borrowed from somewhere else, but aren’t they always the best ones?

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Operation Christmas Child: the shoebox appeal

Operation Christmas Child rely on volunteers to help deliver the shoeboxes to children overseas.


This festive exhibit is a wonderful example of how one person’s idea (and a lot of help from volunteers) can really make a difference. Operation Christmas Child has maintained constant success over the past 20 years.

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ChildLine: the Got Talent ball

The ChildLine ball 2010 was themed to the popular TV series, Britain’s Got Talent.


This is event fundraising at its best. Raising almost £350,000, the ChildLine ball 2010 demonstrates some excellent fundraising techniques.

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United Negro College Fund: David Ogilvy’s letter


Go back in time to meet one of the commuters who, in 1968, found this superb letter from David Ogilvy on the seat of the train taking him home to his comfortable New York suburb.

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The Medical Foundation: immortality auction

Ad creative, 2


A durable, readily replicable fundraising idea. This concept from the Medical Foundation is not just simple it seems hard to imagine it not being a success in the right hands.

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Red Cross USA: the Tiffany circles

The beautiful Tiffany window from the Red Cross offices in Washington DC.


Giving circles like the Tiffany circles of the Red Cross can make giving more interesting, more satisfying with a group of other enthusiastic donors.

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Cancer Research UK: the race for life


Cancer Research UK’s race for life is an event for women only, so it gives them the chance to take action against cancer. Through constant innovation over many years, nearly £500 million has been raised to beat cancer.

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Calgary Zoo: annual report 2012 on Instagram

Calgary zoo annual report


Calgary Zoo in Canada publishes the first annual report on Instagram.

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Just the facts on legacy giving

by Mal Warwick

Rumour has it that legacy gifts account for as much as one-third of the philanthropic income of charities in the UK, or at least of the largest ones. Whether or not that’s an accurate estimate, it’s clear to all observers that legacies account for a far larger share of charitable revenue in the British Isles than they do elsewhere.

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University of Leeds: The calendar appeal


This excellent mail appeal was a success thanks to a very smart theme where alumni shared their experiences and memories of their time at the University of Leeds. To check out the calendar and full creative, click read more.

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Operation Smile: special ‘thank-a-thon’

Hand-painted posters were placed in reception and the conference room.


Operation Smile used the thank-a-thon as a unique opportunity for conversations with our most loyal donors and to reconnect our staff to the organisation through the stories.

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