The main areas of fundraising

Just the facts on legacy giving

by Mal Warwick

Rumour has it that legacy gifts account for as much as one-third of the philanthropic income of charities in the UK, or at least of the largest ones. Whether or not that’s an accurate estimate, it’s clear to all observers that legacies account for a far larger share of charitable revenue in the British Isles than they do elsewhere.

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University of Leeds: The calendar appeal


This excellent mail appeal was a success thanks to a very smart theme where alumni shared their experiences and memories of their time at the University of Leeds. To check out the calendar and full creative, click read more.

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Operation Smile: special ‘thank-a-thon’

Hand-painted posters were placed in reception and the conference room.


Operation Smile used the thank-a-thon as a unique opportunity for conversations with our most loyal donors and to reconnect our staff to the organisation through the stories.

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Getting that grant: how to write letters that interest potential donors

by Charlene Rocha

Looking for that big grant but before you even make the application you have to write a letter of interest? No idea what this is? Click here to find out – and how to make it a good one.

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Don’t chase the dollars!

by Tom Butero

Don’t chase the dollars, says Tom Butero in this new article on raising grants. What? That’s what I’m for, you must be thinking. Tom explains it could be dangerous to jump at an opportunity without thinking about the outcomes, negative and positive, it could have on your organisation.

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Gifts in wills and the NSPCC brochure


NSPCC brochure in full.

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Five ‘must dos’ of bequest fundraising

by Fiona McPhee

In this helpful breakdown of how to set out a legacy fundraising strategy, Fiona insists that it is not just the big brand charities that have the potential to develop a significant legacy income and provides step-by-step advice on how to increase legacy-gifts for your organisation.

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Hilda’s suitcase: when’s the right time to discuss leaving a legacy?

by Norma Cameron

Step into SOFII’s archive to explore more insights on legacy giving. We think you’ll love this charming and personal story from Norma Cameron, in Canada, who learned a very important lesson about gift planning from her mum.

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The great donor exodus, and what to do about it. A three-part series from Jay Love


by Jay Love

Jay Love’s revealing infographics have been setting American fundraisers alight recently, with good reason. Why do donors head for the exit? How does our sector’s attrition compare with customers of for-profit businesses? Do larger donors leave sooner? How many donors could you keep, if you just did some things differently?

Now on SOFII, widely respected data specialist and entrepreneur Jay Love explores these seemingly permanent hot topics with two generous helpings of practical advice all fundraisers could follow.

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SOFII’s small charity showcase

by Ken Burnett

The Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) helps small charities by sharing knowledge, expertise and experience. Upwards of 1,500 charities are helped each year, not one of them with a turnover above £1.5 million and most raising considerably less. SOFII believes we should celebrate small charities more than we do so, together with FSI, has started this showcase with the aim of levelling the playing field, or even to get the ground sloping just a little in the small charity’s direction.

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The Royal Flying Doctor Service: ‘Buy a jet’ direct mail

pack shot


This award-winning mailing certainly caught the eye of donors – donations poured in and income soared passed the target. A subsequent newsletter must have been especially good too, because 750 people gave again even though they hadn’t been asked!

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University of Leeds: direct mail cash appeal to alumni


The direct mail appeal that raised more in 12 weeks than the University had raised in their previous eight years of sending mail appeals.

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