The main areas of fundraising

The collection: it’s never too late to do something wonderful.

by Ken Burnett

A new fundraising experience for less-than-new fundraiser Ken Burnett: rattling a bucket on behalf of Syrian refugees. Read how he met some interesting people, raised some money and learned that truly it’s never too late to do something wonderful.

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Alexander’s Fund: how fundraising inspired a community to save a life


Alexander’s Fund inspired a community and raised over £255,000 in less than two weeks to save a young boy’s life.

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Oxfam: Marks and Spencer’s ‘schwopping’ partnership


This partnership between Oxfam UK and retailer Marks and Spencer (M&S) fulfilled the needs of people in the UK and developing countries. The planet was a winner too.

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Southend Hospital: bosom pals appeal


Feeing like all the fun’s gone out of your fundraising? Worried that your supporters may not be biting your arm off to undertake another gruelling run to raise money? This exhibit shows how smaller charities can inspire people to join their cause with little more than some imaginative ideas.

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Save the Children: knit one save one

by Matthew Sherrington

Knit a tiny hat and you could save a newborn baby’s life. This beautiful campaign from Save the Children UK shows what can happen when you make it crystal clear to people the difference they can make.

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Greenpeace’s optimistic tick-box suggestion: the ‘Stop Thorp’ campaign court case mailing

by Carolina Herrera

This exhibit works on many levels. At first glance the reply form opposite looks innocuous enough but really it’s a brilliant illustration of how, in times of need, donors will respond warmly to help a cause when it is clearly in trouble.

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Breakthrough Breast Cancer: ‘Touch, Look, Check’ campaign

The leaflet.


This campaign successfully united two aims: to increase knowledge of breast cancer warning signs and recruit a large number of regular givers.

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ORBIS: gift aid campaign


Making life easy for donors is in this proposition from ORBIS UK: you can save someone’s sight by just ticking a box.

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All Saints and St Andrew’s Church, UK: parachuting teddy bears

teddy bear parachuting


Is this the world’s first teddy bear parachute jump? The basic idea is not only appealing, it was easy to organise, cost almost nothing and is easily copied.

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St Michael’s Hospital Foundation: data-based planned giving campaign delivers heavenly results

Some of the teams and work that St Michael’s generous donors help.


St Michael’s Hospital Foundation’s in-depth analysis and profiling of their donor lists has gone a long way towards answering the oft-repeated question: are we marrying the needs of the donor with the needs of the cause in order to achieve a common goal? 

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Oxfam UK: the £2.00 a month proposition to new donors

man fishing


Oxfam’s first foray into television advertising was a disaster and they very nearly ditched the whole thing. But a chance remark turned disaster into a monumental success and added a new dimension to recruiting new donors.

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Camp Rising Sun: the impact of an infographic


This infographic is visually appealing, uses technology available to organisations of all sizes and demonstrates the key fundamentals of fundraising – make a compelling case for support and demonstrate to your donors the impact of their gifts.

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