The main areas of fundraising

Confessions of an unethical nine-year-old fundraiser

by Norma Cameron

One of the golden rules of successful fundraising is that before asking others to give, you should first donate yourself. Norma Cameron shows how the memory of one major gift you gave will give you comfort and confidence to be a better fundraiser. Here she tells the rather scary tale of her fundraising epiphany, inspired by something as simple as a collecting box.

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Facing the World: excellent use of video


This excellent film from Facing the World makes it abundantly clear what the donor has achieved. It’s sentimental, just very moving.

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Mo-tivations. Why (oh why) am I doing it? And why would you support me?

by Matthew Sherrington

‘You’ll be cool. A dad of teenage daughters will do anything to hear himself described like that. Anything,’ says Matthew Sherrington who listened, faced his fears and grew a ‘mo’ for prostate cancer. But what were the other six motivations that he thinks make people do something for a charity that they know little about? Find out here.

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Movember: a professional fundraiser’s story of raising money through personal sponsorship

Proof, if it was needed, that he raised a lot of money for the fight against prostate cancer.


A great case study from a ‘mo bro’ of doing fundraising, engagement and feedback well, and being focused on supporters’ needs and interest.

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Battersea Dogs & Cats Home: introducing iPads to door-to-door


Superb use of new technology from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, that makes good use of iPads to great advantage.

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The Städel Museum, Frankfurt: inspiring a city to fundraise

The Städel Boot, sponsored by the shoe store chain Deichmann.


The donors who gave millions to the Städel Museum said it was not ‘just a museum’, but rather that they felt like part of a big family.

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The collection: it’s never too late to do something wonderful.

by Ken Burnett

A new fundraising experience for less-than-new fundraiser Ken Burnett: rattling a bucket on behalf of Syrian refugees. Read how he met some interesting people, raised some money and learned that truly it’s never too late to do something wonderful.

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Alexander’s Fund: how fundraising inspired a community to save a life


Alexander’s Fund inspired a community and raised over £255,000 in less than two weeks to save a young boy’s life.

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Oxfam: Marks and Spencer’s ‘schwopping’ partnership


This partnership between Oxfam UK and retailer Marks and Spencer (M&S) fulfilled the needs of people in the UK and developing countries. The planet was a winner too.

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Southend Hospital: bosom pals appeal


Feeing like all the fun’s gone out of your fundraising? Worried that your supporters may not be biting your arm off to undertake another gruelling run to raise money? This exhibit shows how smaller charities can inspire people to join their cause with little more than some imaginative ideas.

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Save the Children: knit one save one

by Matthew Sherrington

Knit a tiny hat and you could save a newborn baby’s life. This beautiful campaign from Save the Children UK shows what can happen when you make it crystal clear to people the difference they can make.

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Greenpeace’s optimistic tick-box suggestion: the ‘Stop Thorp’ campaign court case mailing

by Carolina Herrera

This exhibit works on many levels. At first glance the reply form opposite looks innocuous enough but really it’s a brilliant illustration of how, in times of need, donors will respond warmly to help a cause when it is clearly in trouble.

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