The main areas of fundraising

RNLI online live launch map


The Royal National Lifeboat Association interactive map that gives their donors a 24-hour, every day of every year window into the heart of their mission.

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Playmob: a gaming platform to raise money for global projects


A new simplified online gaming platform that aims to raise $100 billion for global projects by 2016.

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Merlin’s Plumpy’Nut challenge: fun, easy, something anyone could do


Merlin’s challenge to the Twittersphere raised lots of money and reached people who had not previously heard of Merlin or the food crisis in Africa.

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Civil Rights Defenders: the Natalia Project, the first assault alarm to protect defenders of human rights

These bracelets have the power to protect civil rights defenders with protection from repressive regimes all over the world.


This remarkable project from Civil Rights Defenders saves the lives of human rights activits working to save people from oppressive regimes. The level of involvement they offer their donors is made possible through excellent use of social media.

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SickKids: ‘together we will’ campaign

One of the print ads.


This campaign from SickKids Foundation exceeded all of their goals through terrific use of video and proves the power of good storytelling.

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I CAN: the ‘adopt-a-word’ campaign


With its simple e-commerce solution, I CAN produced an appeal that is unique to their cause yet still maintains a broad appeal to a wide range of donors.

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Depaul UK: the iHobo daring app to raise awareness about homelessness


Depaul UK’s iHobo app to increase awareness of the plight of young homeless people was the first of its kind. Within five days of its launch it was the number one most downloaded app in the UK. It has since been downloaded 600,000 times: it’s that powerful.

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APOPO: HeroRAT rat adoption programme

The HeroRAT campaign launches


Another highly successful sponsorship programme. The Belgian charity APOPO have encouraged very many people to part with their euros to adopt a rat – and save a life.

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‘Nonprofit?’ Donors have no idea what you do with their money. And, frankly, they suspect the worst

by Tom Ahern

Research has shown that donors wonder if we really use their gifts to change the world. Tom Ahern says that you shouldn’t leave them guessing. They will guess wrong… and not in your favour. Find out how to reassure them here.

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Don’t let’s get carried away by talk of recovery

by Andrew Papworth

Are your donors worried about the economy and the impact it has, or could have, on their finances? Are they likely to put their families – and themselves – before your charity, which they love? Andrew Papworth gives some figures from a recent survey in the UK that throw some light on how confident donors are about their financial futures.

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Oxfam Canada: the ‘threads of change’ campaign

Oxfam’s donors messages of hope.


The ’threads of change’ campaign from Oxfam Canada gave their donors the chance to do more than just send money to a cause they love. They were able to send messages of hope to Oxfam projects all over the world.

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SOS Children’s Villages Belgium: a corporate partnership aimed at six people


An ingenious idea from SOS Children’s Villages that went for the ‘one per cent’ with this newspaper ad. It has superb and courageous targeting – just six people – is, challenging, innovative and was very successful.

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