The main areas of fundraising

Pete for America: Leaderboard challenge election fundraising

by H. Ryan Steele

What can fundraisers learn from US presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg? In this presentation from IWITOT: The Americas 2021, Ryan Steele explains how Pete’s campaign used a video game format to create an engaging, successful appeal.

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How to find new e-mail subscribers for your organisation – the right way

by Ephraim Gopin

Ephraim Gopin, founder of 1832 Communications explains why e-mail is an essential fundraising tool for your organisation. He also shares simple tips to help you encourage more of your site visitors to sign up to your communications.

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Medical Aid for Palestinians: Two Christmas appeals, one wish for Palestine

by nick mawer

In this case study Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) share how they built on great donor relationships to power not one but two Christmas campaigns in just a month. Keep reading to find out how they did it and discover the surprising results!

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Communication and the English language

by Ken Burnett

Ken Burnett tackles bad use of the English language in fundraising and explains why getting this crucial matter right can make all the difference.

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IWITOT 2020: Sumatran Orangutan Society’s Rainforest Home Appeal

by Felicity Spencer-Smith

Felicity Spencer-Smith of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising (CIoF) praises a powerful and ambitious crowd-funding campaign to save orangutans in Indonesia.

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20 years of collaborating to grow legacy giving

by Rob Cope

Two decades on from the launch of the first national legacy promotion consortium, Rob Cope, director of Remember A Charity, looks back and celebrates the charity sector’s drive to collaborate, share and exchange learning around legacy fundraising. 

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The Salvation Army: Coronavirus response campaign

by Gemma Reeve

This multi-platform campaign shows the importance of flexibility in fundraising, especially during the time of coronavirus.

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Marie Curie: Alpaca Meet & Greet

by Meredith Niles

Marie Curie fundraisers were inspired by an innovative fundraising idea they saw at I Wish I’d Thought of That (IWITOT) 2020. The team worked quickly to turn the idea into a quirky, low-cost campaign featuring alpacas on video calls.

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Is this really the best fundraising proposition of all time? And is it good development?

by Lyndall Stein

The benefits, challenges and opportunities of child sponsorship as seen by Lyndall Stein, with additional material by Ken Burnett – two former directors of the international development charity ActionAid. 

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The pandemic: where has fundraising been, where is it going and where should we be focusing now?

by Giles Pegram CBE

Help is at hand. A free online booklet and webinar are now available to help you deliver great fundraising during the coronavirus pandemic. And the advice all hinges on how to provide a superb supporter experience.

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RSPCA: Pet First Aid Guide value exchange campaign

by Jonathon Grapsas

Discover how the RSPCA in Australia used exceptional fundraising to recruit new regular donors and save the lives of animals in New South Wales and Queensland.

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Fauna & Flora International: Testing always-on digital fundraising

by Gemma Reeve

Fauna & Flora International asked agency Manifesto to help them prove the value of digital marketing as a way to find new donors. Find out how they collaborated to deliver a successful pilot programme of activity. 

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