The main areas of fundraising

Worldwide Breast Cancer - Know Your Lemons campaign

by Joe Burnett

How a simple yet tremendously effective campaign made the most of social media to get a crucial message around the world.

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UNICEF Canada: 360° immersive experience

by Joe Burnett

Discover how UNICEF Canada brought donors and beneficiaries closer together, via their excellent use of virtual reality.

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World Vision: The Story Shop

by Joe Burnett

Learn how World Vision took their cause into the world of high-end shopping – through an interactive, beautifully-designed store that was informative and made it easy for donors to make their gift. 

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UNICEF and Pampers: ‘1 pack = 1 vaccine’ partnership

by Joe Burnett

Learn how a big brand partnered with a charity to transform the lives of women and children for thirteen years and counting.

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How celebs use social media for fundraising

by Joel Voysey

Three campaigns show fundraisers can learn from how celebrities use social media. From IWITOT London 2019.

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Strike Debt: The Rolling Jubilee telethon

by Tain Joliffe

Discover how a superb telethon, dedicated to eradicating household debt in America, grew out of the Occupy movement.

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Secrets of direct mail 4: storytelling, fundraising and the dialogue method

by Chris Keating

How does Siegfried Vögele’s dialogue method work in terms of storytelling? In the final piece in his series on the great man, fundraiser Chris Keating explores how and even asks why storytelling matters in fundraising.

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University of Sheffield: Direct mail – the longer the better? Two page vs. four page letters

by Heather Clement

How the University of Sheffield drew on best practices to challenge their own preconceptions and achieve markedly improved results.

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Mind Pause Box

by Caroline Appleton

A beautifully designed self-care subscription box that was tailor-made for its target audience and encourages regular giving for Mind -the Pause Box is a trailblazer.

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Help Refugees: Choose Love pop-up shop

by Ben Eden-Davies

Ben Eden-Davies sings the praises of Choose Love, a unique pop-up charity shop with a smart and engaging difference.

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Testicular Cancer New Zealand: #GOBALLSOUT

by Tom Hodgson

This attention grabbing digital campaign captured the imagination of Tom Hodgson. Find out why he wishes he thought of it, by reading the complete case study.

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Secrets of direct mail 3: how people read letters

by Chris Keating

How do potential donors react to direct mail letters? In part three of our series on the legendary Siegfried Vögele, we explain this important aspect of his approach.

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