CDE project 6. The emo­tion­al fundrais­ing showcase

2.12. The emo­tion­al fundrais­ing show­case video collection

Written by
Ken Burnett
March 01, 2016

The purpose of this section is to provide an easy landing page for readers to access the videos and short films collected for use with CDE’s project 6, the use and misuse of emotion.

Here are links to all videos from Section 2 of project 6, The emotional fundraising showcase, plus a few other links to videos in other sections.

For further information contact Ken Burnett, see below.  

A trailer for CDE project 6: the use and misuse of emotion

Other videos from CDE project 6

1.2. Unsung hero

The original Thai insurance video that set YouTube buzzing. It’s now been enjoyed more than 28 million times, and counting.

1.3. Missing mom.

Line is also an insurance company. Here they show a universally useful skill – they know what touches people.

2.3. London 2012 Olympics bid.

Four youngsters, four moving personal stories that turned the tide in London’s favour.

2.4. How our donors want to see us

If only saving the world were this straightforward…

2.4. The cruel sea

Two moving short films focus on Britain’s most trusted cause and its volunteers as they risk their lives to save people they don’t even know.

2.12. The Emotional Fundraising Showcase videos

2.12.1. Street concert.

Children can be cruel, just when it matters so much. Based on a true story at

2.12.2.MS Holland, dancing with dad.

This award-winning short clip from the Netherlands just uses film and a distinctive, appropriate soundtrack to drive its message home. The caption at the end says, it tears lives apart.

2.12.3. Sometimes you just want to say thank you.

Here’s how to do it. The delight of simply being nice. From a bank called TD.

2.12.4. Father and son.

Sometimes life’s too short to do the things that matter. A family theme, from Thai Life insurance.

2.12.5. My dad is a liar.

Though the style may be a tad over the top, or at least not right for every situation, Thai businesses really seem to get emotion and how to use it.

2.12.6. Cause the wave: Eddie Vedder and the EB Research Partnership.

How to tell the story of ‘the most insane skin disorder you could imagine.'

2.12.7. One child with cancer is one too many.

‘Just do whatever it takes.’ Every parent’s worst nightmare, as even after all the treatment, Sean’s cancer comes back.

2.12.8. Where is Sean now?

Dylan, Sean’s brother, donates bone marrow in a desperate bid to save him. And Sean comes home for Christmas. Yes, donors do make a difference.

2.12.9. SCF still the most shocking. TV advert.

‘He’s all I’ve got left.’ Save the Children’s courageous story of what life might be like for a British child in a war-ravaged refugee camp.

2.12.10. Macmillan Cancer Support You’ll never walk alone. TV advert.

Who’ll come with you on the most difficult journey of all?

2.12.11. Oxfam GB Be Humankind. TV advert.

Weird vomiting animated dolls try to tell viewers to be aware, be moved and be involved. Inexplicable.

2.12.12. The world’s biggest asshole, from The Agitator.

There it was, generous and majestic. Even bad guys can sometimes do something really good.

2.12.13. The most emotional video ever.

That it claims to be so suggests it probably isn’t. More commercially produced family trauma from Thailand, worth watching for the father teaching his son to walk, twice.

5.5 Ken B on passion, from IoF Convention 2016

Four minutes or so on the theme of passion, and why it matters, from the opening plenary of the Institute of Fundraising’s National Convention 2016, which celebrated the remarkable fundraising career of Tony Elischer.

For more information on CDE project 6 the use and misuse of emotion please contact Ken Burnett.

About the author: Ken Burnett

Ken Burnett

Ken Burnett is author of Relationship Fundraising and other books including The Zen of Fundraising, (Jossey-Bass Inc, San Francisco, USA). The Tiny Essentials of an Effective Volunteer Board and Storytelling can change the world, both published by The White Lion Press, UK

In 2021, he wrote and published a book about campaigning fundraising, The essence of Campaigning Fundraising in 52 exhibits and 199 web links.

Ken co-founded SOFII with his late wife Marie and served as a trustee before retiring from the SOFII board in 2022.

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