Bluefrog Fundraising’s free resources for creating a coronavirus appeal
We are very grateful to Mark Phillips for letting us reproduce his blog. In this timely post, he offers some much-needed advice and free resources for small charities wanting to launch an appeal during this difficult time.
- Written by
- Mark Phillips
- Added
- March 19, 2020

This post originally appeared on Mark’s blog Queer Ideas here.
I wanted to share an update on preparations at Bluefrog for working whilst the Covid-19 situations continues.
We want to be part of the broader solution to the current outbreak and protect staff and clients from infection (and anyone else for that matter).
Though we are currently still working from Bluefrog Towers, all meetings and presentations are now held remotely and we have implemented contingency plans to allow all staff to work from home from next week should we make that decision. This will mean all work will continue uninterrupted. Though the planning meetings where we sit around coming up with ideas aren’t going to be as much fun for the foreseeable future.
But with emergency appeals related to the pandemic now moving beyond discussion, we thought that it might be helpful to provide a couple of template letters that could be useful should you need to launch an appeal for additional support, either now or in the future.
They are simple, well structured letters created for organisations that don’t have access to a dedicated fundraising team and who’d like to approach their current customers or donors for support. They can be used for postal appeals or emails.
Often the hardest part of writing an appeal is getting the first few sentences down on paper. So think of these as a starting point to make your job easier. We’ve produced one for arts organisations (theatres, museums or galleries). The second is for hospices that might struggle should staff need to self-isolate in the coming weeks and they need to invest in agency staff to cover the shortfall. Or perhaps simply require extra resources.
Drop your details in where indicated and customise to your situation. Adapt as much as you like, sharing how your organisation has been impacted. Should you want to email your adapted copy to us for comments before sending to supporters feel free to do so. Use and we’ll try to help.
Use that same address if you’d like to chat about other ideas or if you need more substantial help. We won’t be able to offer any tea or biscuits sadly, just sensible, straightforward advice.
But at times like this, that’s worth its weight in gold.
Keep safe chums and share this with anyone who might find it useful.
The arts organisation template appeal letter can be downloaded by clicking here
The hospice template appeal letter can be downloaded by clicking here
Bluefrog’s ace copywriter Steve has also produced a template thank you letter for responding to gifts during the Coronavirus outbreak. Adapt as much as you’d like but, as ever, thank as quickly as you can.
The Conronavirus thank you letter can be downloaded here
We have had requests for additional templates and have now produced a version for INGOs and organisations working with vulnerable people.
The INGO template appeal letter template can be downloaded by clicking here
The vulnerable people appeal letter template can be downloaded by clicking here