Liv­ing Lega­cy Soci­ety newslet­ter, from the Union of Con­cerned Sci­en­tists, USA

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September 09, 2014

Living Legacy Society newsletter

This newsletter represents the culmination of nearly a decade of successful direct marketing efforts by Mal Warwick Associates and the staff of the Union of Concerned Scientists. UCS, though not well known to the general public, is one of the principal players in the US environmental and peace movements, contributing the results of its ground-breaking research and the voices of award-winning scientists to the public debate on such issues as global warming, nuclear proliferation and the misuse of science by the country’s faith-based federal administration. Beginning in 1999, UCS undertook to build its membership through direct mail, to convert one-off donors to a monthly giving programme, to invite higher-value donors to join a $1,000-a-year giving society, and to launch legacy giving efforts. This newsletter is the latest issue of a continuing programme that has seen the organisation’s membership and its income triple, and both major gifts and legacy giving programmes that didn’t exist in the 1990s to become major sources of revenue in the 21st Century.

- Mal Warwick

About the author: SOFII

The SOFII collection aims to be the most comprehensive, best organised, and most inspiring collection of fundraising related content from around the world.

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