SOFII vol­un­teer translators

Hel­lo and welcome!

Written by
Carolina Herrera
September 24, 2018

Hi there, I’m Carolina - SOFII’s project manager.

THANK YOU for showing an interest in translating content for the SOFII website. This page is a quick introduction for you and will explain your role as a volunteer translator. It will give you all the information you need on how to get started, in just five easy steps!

Getting started


Choose an article or case study you find interesting and that you think would be particularly relevant to the people you are translating for. Some of our newer case studies would be a great place to begin. And if you are struggling for ideas you could see if anything interests you in this very popular showcase, The Best of The Best.


Translate the copy using a Word or Google document. Be sure to include a link to the original piece on the site and also please remember to translate the picture captions too. 


Get your bio and headshot ready. 


Send the translation, together with your bio and headshot, to 


If you enjoyed your experience translating for SOFII and want to do even more to help fundraisers around the world access the best of fundraising, then choose another piece on the site to translate. 

And if you know of a fellow fundraiser who might be interested in translating for us too, spread the word! We want to get even more of our content available in as many languages as possible, and we’re so grateful for your help and support. THANK YOU.

What you can expect from SOFII

Every translation you send us will be credited to you and it will include your bio and photograph. 

We will be sure to promote the translated work via our social media (LinkedIn, X, Facebook) and in our weekly email updates (which reach over 10,000 fundraisers around the world). 

About the author: Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is SOFII's project manager

Related case studies or articles

Presentación de la traductora

Me llamo Alheli Quintanilla y trabajo desde 2010 en Daryl Upsall Consulting International, consultora internacional especializada en captación de fondos y selección de personal para organizaciones no gubernamentales, con sede en Madrid (España).

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Presentación de la traductora - Anna Fabra Raduà

Anna Fabra Raduà - SOFII volunteer translator.

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SOFII and ABCR partnership brings you more content in Portuguese

Thanks to a special partnership between SOFII and ABCR (the Brazilian Fundraisers Association) we are now able to bring you more exhibits in Portuguese.

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Forza Italia!

By Tiziana Fattori

Some time ago I met SOFII by chance. In Italy almost all charities are struggling because of the downturn in the economy. Forty per cent of Italian organisations are finding it harder and harder to recruit new donors and 28 per cent face strong competition. To survive most of them are launching very similar worn-out campaigns: same channels, same wording, same images, same material. If you cover the logo you can hardly recognise which organisation is talking. Flat and boring fundraising I call it.

SOFII, on the contrary, is full of rich of ideas, full of inspirational case histories and stories about successful fundraising. By translating the main showcases I hope to contribute to the innovation of our flat not-for-profit sector in Italy. Someone who is not fluent in English now has no excuse.

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Michaela Staggl

It has always been so inspiring to read the various articles on SOFII, so I decided to translate for SOFII to give something back. It wasn’t as easy as expected to translate the articles. I hope they are fine for you and you’ll enjoy reading them.

Ich habe mich entschlossen für SOFII zu übersetzen, da es mich immer wieder inspiriert hat und ich etwas zurückgeben wollte. Die Übersetzungen waren gar nicht so einfach, ich hoffe, es klingt für euch nicht zu holprig.

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