Cre­at­ing Bet­ter Futures: name the bear– every child has a name’ competition

Exhibited by
Dorothy Dix, operations director, Creating Better Futures.
June 21, 2013
Medium of Communication
Face to face
Target Audience
Single gift
Type of Charity
International relief / development
Country of Origin
Date of first appearance
May, 2013

SOFII’s view

Though founded just over a year ago the tiny organisation Creating Better Futures has achieved such a lot during its short life, simply through the hard work of its dedicated volunteers. They’ve undertaken many fundraising events with the same enthusiasm and energy. Running, climbing, quiz nights, street parties... all personal challenges. SOFII hopes that their faith in perhaps less personal social media pays off as well.

Creator / originator

Creating Better Futures.

Summary / objectives

To attract the attention of visitors to the Big Church Day Out (BCDO) to raise funds and awareness of our charity.


Creating Better Futures (CBF) exists to improve the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children by providing them with education and skills to break free from poverty. We will provide a long-term commitment to each child's welfare, in addition to their educational needs. We are working in Zimbabwe, which has a significant number of children orphaned as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

We are a very new charity that only launched in February 2012. Since then we have been able to place 79 orphaned children into Cheza Primary School and establish regular feeding programmes. We have organised lots of fundraising events to raise money that will improve the lives of children living in extreme poverty. Our annual turnover is £16,000.

In May 2013 we organised a ‘name the bear’ competition, which took place during the Big Church Day Out. We made a list of most common names, including the names of the children we send to school. For a £1 donation, participants could choose a name from the list that they guessed could be the name of the giant five-foot bear. When they had chosen a name from the list they wrote it on a board with the QR codes (quick response) to lead them to our website, Facebook and Twitter pages. They guessed names, scanned codes and ‘followed’ us.

Influence / impact

Good donations both cash on the day and through Justtextgiving for those that did not have cash with them on the day. Increased online interaction on our website, Facebook and Twitter pages.


The bear was donated so there was no cost. The volunteers either paid for themselves or were compensated by BCDO.


We are passionate about education in the developing world and would like to show how people can make a difference through simple means on social media. Social media unites us all in different ways, in different worlds. It’s a new dimension of charity and global giving.

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Hope + education = opportunity.
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Without nourishing food a child cannot learn.
My, Gabriel – for that is his name – is a big bear!