CDE: the donor experience project
CDE project 4 section 3: appendix 1 - case studies

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
A selection of great case studies illustrating the arguments made in this project.
CDE project 11c digital section 2 part 3: putting the principles and actions into practise

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Marketing consent - Email marketing - Mobile-oriented design and browser adaptation - Search Engine Optimisation - How donations are accepted
Read moreCDE project 11c digital section 2 part 2: putting the principles and actions into practise
by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Usability - General website usability - Accessibility - Language use - Storytelling - Storytelling and conversations
Read moreCDE project 11c digital section 2 part 1: putting the principles and actions into practise

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Technological innovation and its use for charity - Understand and design based on donor preferences - Online Journeys
Read moreCDE project 11c digital section 1: the approach
by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Digital, mobile and email fundraising did not feature a great deal in the Etherington report of 2015 - or the maelstrom of media focus following the tragic death of Olive Cooke.
Read moreCDE project 18 section 3: action 1 - understand the paradigm shift

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Putting the principles & actions into practice.
Read moreCDE project 17 section 2.1: introduction

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
‘It’s about giving and engaging people, it’s this lovely virtuous cycle where you get to give money, and you get to do something yourself that actually makes a difference.’
Read moreCDE project 11c summary: digital

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
This guidance is intended to help fundraisers, supporter engagement staff and the organisation you work for to design better online supporter experiences that engage and delight them.
Read moreCDE project 10 section 3: putting the donor-led experience at the heart of legacy fundraising growth

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
What do donors need and want in order to make the giving of a gift in their wills meaningful, normal, joyful, easy and rewarding?
CDE project 5 section 3: case study on Ontario Nature

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
As fundraisers, we must remember that our biggest champions and advocates are our staff and volunteers, and we need to have as many voices as possible sharing their knowledge and passion with other people.
Read moreCDE project 1 section 4: communicate values, and do it consistently.

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Part four of CDE's series on good practices plus examples of common misuses to help fundraisers use language appropriately so they can swiftly yet significantly improve the donor experience
Read moreCDE project 22: the approach - assimilate existing activity

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
The group seeks to explain the changes underway in the sector.
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