The main areas of fundraising

Islamic Relief: ‘Hey, you with the beard!’ Ramadan fundraising


These short, dramatic, upbeat videos, combined with a matched funding opportunity, led to a fantastic fundraising proposition for charity Islamic Relief.

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SOFII’s what to watch


We know there's such a lot of great videos worth watching in the world of fundraising, so we've put together a summary of the best, just for you (in case you missed them first time round). So pour a cup of coffee, sit back, watch and be inspired.

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St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation: Urban Angel magazine


The fundraisers at St Michael’s Hospital are justly proud of their reinvented newsletter. It demonstrates a unique and creative approach to donor communications, while still fulfilling the essential purpose of fundraising.

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Macmillan Cancer Care and Bethesda Hospice: meet Etta Macleod, an extraordinary fundraiser

by Ken Burnett

Etta Macleod personifies the unsung heroes of the fundraising world: the courageous tireless volunteers who raise millions of pounds for their favourite causes. Etta’s fundraising is unconventional and a pleasure to witness.

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National Trust: recruiting members by the millions

by Aline Reed

Discover the story of Octavia Hill, an amazing fundraiser and co-founder of the highly successful and respected charity – the National Trust.

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Giving Scotland: crisis campaign


The Giving Scotland campaign was launched in the face of intense scrutiny of charities in Scotland but this courageous campaign changed everything.

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Breakthrough: the ‘is this justice’ campaign

Powerful hard-hitting images and messages characterise the Breakthrough campaign.


This is a brave campaign that fearlessly speaks out against social injustice in societies where such issues are rarely discussed, far less confronted.

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Battersea Dogs & Cats Home: ‘secret suppers’


Battersea Dogs & Cats Home struck gold with a marvellous and original idea to show their urgent need to wealthy donors.

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Amnesty International press advertisement - North Korea’s death camps

by Ken Burnett

A challenge. Start reading. If you make it to the end you’ll know what to do next.

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Surveying the legacy landscape: why we’re doing it and why we need you

by Natasha van Bentum

What do senior fundraisers in Madrid, Winnipeg, Wyoming, Geneva, Singapore, Manchester, Calgary, Dublin and Hamburg have in common?

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My new obsession: online gaming

by Lucy Innophoria

Those of you that know me will be surprised to hear that this month I transformed from the bright and bubbly Lucy you know and love into a strange creature, shuffling into the office each morning with my head bent down, back hunched, thumbs too cramped to type and an absolutely ruined manicure.

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New research shows how charities can create remarkable corporate partnerships

This year Innocent and Age UK are aiming to knit one million hats.

by Remarkable Partnerships

Remarkable Partnerships, a new report from Jonathon Andrews shows that when charities and companies partner in a remarkable way they deliver huge impact, have wider reach, create more opportunities and last longer. Read SOFII’s summary here. Then get the full report, free.

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