The main areas of fundraising

Does thanking really work?

by Laura Croudace

Thanking should be fun, colourful, vibrant, exciting and, above all, personal, says new, enthusiastic fundraiser Laura Croudace.

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Fundraising in the First World War: how the fundraising ground force made a difference

by Tony Charalambides

Asking someone in your immediate vicinity for monetary help is as elementary as fundraising gets. More often than not, it’s as effective as it gets too – which is why it pops up throughout history. Fundraising during the First World War was no different. 

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Fundraising in the First World War: fighting the good fight

by Tony Charalambides

Fundraising and charitable volunteering is a rather under-reported component of Britain’s war effort during the First World Ward, says Tony Charalambides, but it had an enormous impact on its outcome.

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NSPCC’s thank-you mailing


This bright, colourful direct mail pack is a winner all of itself. With the delightful, powerful booklet as well it couldn’t fail to inspire donors to send their own messages and, indeed, send in another donation to the cause they love.

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United Way for Southeast Michigan (UWSEM): lessons from a $27.1 million corporate gift

by Marie Burnett

United Way successfully shifted their fundraising model from transactional to relational and from obligation giving to inspired giving. In the process they turned around a five year trend of decreasing contributions from workforce campaigns with the largest donation to a single project.

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Forcing or forging a relationship? Part 1: understanding your donors

by Charlie Hulme

This, the first of a three-part feature by Charlie Hulme, managing director, DonorVoice UK, kicks off an important new series for SOFII. Based upon evidence and experience rather than theory and opinion, Charlie’s first article spells out the crucial necessity of really understanding what your donors want from their relationship with you and your cause.

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WaterAid: The Big Dig

by Reuben Turner

A very fine example of how storytelling, done right, can change the world. Isn’t the infographic just great? (SOFII loves the crossed legs). This campaign is fun, innovative, engaging, emotional (imagine how you’d feel with no toilet…) and highly effective as, inevitably, real storytelling in real time was bound to be. Altogether brilliant.

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Ten easy fixes for the design of your donation form

by Beate Sørum

Beate Sorum shares digital how-tos, things to do and not to do and 10 tips to make your online donation form work much better.

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Imperial War Museum: Indra Sinha’s Eric Heaton ad, from 1985

by Carolina Herrera

This is a classic press ad from advertising legend Indra Sinha that helped mend a leaky roof. It’ll have you in tears too, as it shows you how to tell a good story.

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What kind of experience does your donor encounter when making an online gift?

by Pamela Grow

Pamela Grow shares some easy lessons you can steal and pitfalls you can avoid from the best, and worst, of donor experiences.

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Reader knowledge, real voices, great stories and big points of view

by Elizabeth Loudon

Writer Liz Loudon shares the difference between really writing to move donors, or just typing.

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SOFII: the BIG questions


How do we make donors feel really special? And how do they want to see us?

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