Legacy of Hope newsletter and reply form, from Bread for the World, USA
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- Added
- April 09, 2015
Legacy of Hope 4-page newsletter plus reply form Bread for the World is a progressive, faith-based lobbying organisation that seeks to eradicate hunger in the United States and around the world. With more than 50,000 members and a large Capitol Hill staff, the organisation for a long time was the nation’s largest grassroots lobby in Washington, DC, and is still one of the most highly visible. Its efforts have borne fruit in Congressional and Presidential action leading to billions of dollars in hunger relief funds and in persuading the US government to sign on to debt relief for the planet’s poorest countries. This direct mail package enclosed a newsletter for the Bread for the World ‘Legacy of Hope’ giving society, which has raised millions of dollars in bequests to support the organisation’s work. Note the attention to legacy giving options on the reply device. Response to such appeals is slight, but with the average bequest in the USA at some $35,000, a small number of legacies can go a long way.
- Mal Warwick