SOFII’s what to watch

A night out at the movies

Written by
August 12, 2014

We know there's such a lot of great videos worth watching in the world of fundraising, so we've put together a summary of the best, just for you (in case you missed them first time round). Please add your ideas too.

Now, pour a cup of coffee, sit back, watch and be inspired.

One of the most iconic charity video campaigns of all time, Save the Children’s ‘The Most Shocking Second a Day’ was followed up by this equally harrowing sequel.

The reality of homelessness is brought into harrowing relief in the form of an advent calendar.

This heartbreaking public service announcement reminds viewers that birthdays are a foreign concept to homeless children

Volkswagen freaks out a whole movie theatre with its devious 'Don't Text and Drive' PSA

Is this the most heartbreaking, but ultimately heartwarming, Christmas ad ever?

If donor development is the gentle art of promoting the joy of giving, we think this is an 2.5 minute award-winner.

Julius Billones got a big surprise from the UK Nepali community when he thought he was being filmed for a documentary about his plans to run 100km in two days for the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Nepal Earthquake Appeal.

The State of DoNation is a brilliantly clever and well put together short animated video from Pareto Fundraising in Australia. It illustrates some really important aspects of giving in that country. Billed as an overview of key giving metrics, it's really much more than that, it's a powerful case for investing in regular giving and long-term donor development, and doing it properly. And it shows, quite clearly, who are the most generous, most consistent donors. Very well worth a watch.

This is from Thailand for life insurance, but it could just as easily be about fundraising. Fab, fab, fab!

For an extra take on how this remarkable Thai insurance video might relate to fundraising see Ken Burnett's blog about emotion vs logic, here.

This is what war does to children from Save the Children UK.

The power of belief. Effective use of storytelling from Alex's Lemonade Stand for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.

This one is funny, though not for the over-sensitive from the Canadian Cancer Society.

Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism by

Misereor - PlaCard" - The Social Swipe

Likes don't save lives: UNICEF Sweden

Unicef Sweden recently launched this attention-grabbing campaign about the need for real money, not ‘likes’ on social networking sites, for vital work on vaccinating children against polio.

SOFII is sure that it will pick up lots of ‘likes’ because it is such a clever idea. But is it clever enough? We look forward to hearing that it was and succeeded in raising lots of money.

Follow the frog with the Rainforest Alliance

A fun way to show donors that giving doesn’t have to be painful.

About the author: SOFII

The SOFII collection aims to be the most comprehensive, best organised, and most inspiring collection of fundraising related content from around the world.

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