Verity 11: you have an unwavering commitment to the institution and a near-militant belief in its mission.
- Written by
- Jerold Panas
- Added
- January 03, 2014
Goethe wrote: ‘Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to drop back. The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.’
Your commitment to the institution must be unshakable. That doesn’t mean without question or constructive challenge. That would be faith without thought. But your commitment to the cause must glow and glitter for all to see.
The Salvation Army was founded by an extraordinary person, a zealot, who asked: ‘Why should the devil have all of the good songs?’ It was Booth’s unmitigated commitment to the cause and his unbounded belief in the Army’s mission that made the growth of this organisation possible.