Right now, the sup­port­er expe­ri­ence mat­ters more than ever

We bring you an excel­lent webi­nar from the UK’s Insti­tute of Fundrais­ing fea­tur­ing a diverse group of hands-on fundrais­ers from organ­i­sa­tions large and small explain­ing how to con­tin­ue giv­ing a great donor expe­ri­ence dur­ing the coro­n­avirus crisis.

Written by
Joe Burnett
March 18, 2020

On Monday March 31st 2020, the UK’s Institute of Fundraising (IoF) gathered (well, connected via computer) a wide range of fundraisers working in the UK charity sector. They joined together for a webinar that was determined to answer a key question: how can we manage relationships with donors at this time of international crisis?

As the NSPCC's former Director of Fundraising Giles Pegram said in his section, ‘the outbreak of covid-19 means that it is more important than ever to give donors a good experience. All charities will be affected by the pandemic, but how they react could make all the difference’.

Around 2,300 people registered to listen. Though only 1,000 could listen live, this shows the level of interest and IoF will ensure greater capacity next time. Each speaker had a unique and interesting perspective, some from large organisations others small. But they all agreed: this doesn’t have to be a doom and gloom situation. Above all, reaching out to donors is crucial. As Marina Jones of the Royal Opera House said, ‘your supporters will appreciate speaking to you’.

We are grateful to the IoF for allowing us to feature the full webinar here. The list of speakers is as follows:

Angela Cluff: IoF Supporter Experience Chair, Fundraising Consultant and Trustee of Oxfam GB

Giles Pegram: CBE IoF Supporter Experience committee member

Catherine Deakin: Director of Fundraising and Communications, Changing Faces UK

Marina Jones: Head of Membership and Fundraising Appeals, Royal Opera House

Magid El Amin: Supporter Experience Strategist, NSPCC

Sarah Bissell: Director of Fundraising and Marketing, Thames Hospice

Sam Afhim: Director of Fundraising and Communications, Freedom from Torture

This e-mail from the National Youth Orchestra perfectly illustrates what many of the webinar’s speakers say, as Nicolette Shaw and her team sent it out to reassure donors that they’re still operating and that supporters can get in touch.

This article is part of our ongoing series on fundraising in a time of crisis. To read more, please click here. We would love to hear how your organisation is coping with the outbreak of coronavirus and the impact it's having on your fundraising. If you’d like to contribute, please e-mail joe@sofii.org.

About the author: Joe Burnett

Joe Burnett

Joe Burnett (he/him) cut his teeth as an intern at the Association of French Fundraisers, he then embarked on a career in advertising before returning to where his heart lay: in the charities sector. Joe is passionate about fundraising and how it can be a force for positive change in the world. 

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