
69 pages tagged with UK:

  • Friends of the Earth: Looking after supporters when the media storm hit by SOFII When a media storm hit the sector and put fundraising under the microscope, Friends of the Earth acted quickly to get in touch with their donors. They gave them the opportunity to comment both frankly and freely on how the organisation was communicating with them. But what did their supporters have to say?
  • A Dismal Swamp: an extract from Our Mutual Friend showing Charles Dickens’ view of fundraising in Victorian England by SOFII Charles Dickens’ perceptive view of fundraising from Our Mutual Friend, 1864. Download this entertaining and instructive insight into fundraising from 150 years ago.
  • ActionAid: the welcome to child sponsorship package by SOFII ActionAid’s child sponsorship programme has been running in the UK for over 35 years. In 2008, they revisited the enquirer and welcome packs with the intention of making the materials the best that could be found anywhere.
  • ActionAid’s Bold Move: giving donors a say over strategy by Emily Collins-Ellis Will you dare to be this bold? When ActionAid UK decided to embark on a new strategy they decided to consult with their major donors. The results may astonish you.
  • Albert Street Methodist Sunday School: the foot of pennies from the 1930s by SOFII A small yet colourful part of England’s fundraising heritage had been discovered in a Methodist chapel about to be demolished. As their finder explains, these fun feet of pennies are engagement devices designed to make collecting for charity easy and so to hook neophytes into the habit of giving.
  • Alexander’s Fund: how fundraising inspired a community to save a life by SOFII Alexander’s Fund inspired a community and raised over £255,000 in less than two weeks to save a young boy’s life.
  • Alzheimer’s Society: Memory Walk campaign by Katie Simmons By creating a direct response tv ad that moved many to tears, the Alzheimer’s Society successfully connected with the public and saw participation in their Memory Walks soar. 
  • Amnesty International: the shame Shell campaign by SOFII This exciting exhibit from Amnesty International UK reveals new and innovative ways to keep your donors at the heart of your next campaign.
  • Anatomy of the Wishing Well Appeal. Part 1. by Marion Allford The overall fundraising strategy
  • Becoming the bee, with Jean Bishop by Alfie Waldron Meet Jean, a 91-year-old with a passion for fundraising, a smile for everyone she meets and a brilliant homemade bee costume.
  • Blue Cross: a brand refresh by SOFII This charity’s brand refresh is different from many others because it puts supporters and their deep love and concern for pets first. It’s designed to meet fundraising objectives as well as brand awareness.
  • Botton Village ‘Frances’ pack by SOFII Botton Village was a pioneer of relationship fundraising. This is fundraising direct mail as it should be – sincere, engaging, heart-warming and very compelling.
  • British Heart Foundation: the ‘calculate the cost of heart disease’ mailing by SOFII This is irresistible. How could any cost-conscious businessman or woman resist playing with this gadget to get an idea of what heart disease is costing his or her bottom line each year?
  • British Heart Foundation: the poster series by SOFII A great series of posters from the British Heart Foundation with both public education and awareness messages.
  • Cancer Research UK: Slimming World Big Clothes Throw partnership by Marie Burnett This is a case history of a fantastic partnership between Cancer Research UK and Slimming World – the Big Slimming World Clothes Throw. Going since 2013, this campaign allows Slimming World members to celebrate slimming success by donating their ‘before’ clothes to CRUK charity shops. This has generated over £5 million worth of stock for the shops, whilst also highlighting the issues of obesity and related cancers. All with minimal investment on the charity’s part!
  • Cancer Research UK: the letter from cancer by SOFII At first glance you might think, wow, this mailing from Cancer Research UK is clever and a bit different. It surely will make people angry enough so that they give money that will beat cancer: an admirable ambition. But what would you think if you have cancer?
  • Centrepoint ‘sponsor a room’: donor acquisition by SOFII This exhibit is proof that traditional direct response fundraising can still work in the current fundraising climate. It demonstrates simple yet effective press advertising combined with a clever use of digital technology.
  • Creating gender equality in the charity sector by Lizzi Hollis A rallying cry for gender parity from fundraiser and founder of Charity Women Lizzi Hollis. 
  • Crimestoppers: reverse pickpocketing is putpocketing by SOFII The charity Crimestoppers launched an integrated experiential and social media campaign to raise awareness of pick pocketing that also aimed to change public behaviour.
  • Depaul UK: the iHobo daring app to raise awareness about homelessness by SOFII Depaul UK’s iHobo app to increase awareness of the plight of young homeless people was the first of its kind. Within five days of its launch it was the number one most downloaded app in the UK. It has since been downloaded 600,000 times: it’s that powerful.
  • Does thanking really work? by Laura Croudace Thanking should be fun, colourful, vibrant, exciting and, above all, personal, says new, enthusiastic fundraiser Laura Croudace.
  • Dogs Trust: sponsor a dog by SOFII One of the most imaginative, instructive adaptations of the concept fundraisers have dubbed ‘the best fundraising proposition of all time’.
  • Dr Barnardo’s Homes: four fundraising greats from the distant past by SOFII Dr Thomas Barnardo was one of the Victorian era's great philanthropists. These archive examples of his personal fundraising style and efforts are a unique treasure for the body of fundraising knowledge and best practice.
  • Dr Barnardo’s Homes: how the death of Carrots led to a powerful slogan, from 1866 by SOFII The death of a lonely young boy led Dr Barnardo to declare that the children’s homes that bore his name should never, ever close their doors to any child. A great example of fine writing combined with sincerity.
  • Durham Cathedral in LEGO: innovative buy-a-brick fundraising by Sue Kershaw An innovative version of traditional buy-a-brick fundraising with a spectacular totaliser and easily replicable as a fundraising mechanic. 
  • Facing the World: excellent use of video by SOFII This excellent film from Facing the World makes it abundantly clear what the donor has achieved. It’s sentimental, just very moving.
  • Farm Africa: a thank-you letter and gift by SOFII This is just a very nice thank-you letter that is easy to copy, though perhaps it would be best not to do so directly, but rather to adapt the idea behind it in a way that’s distinctive, individual and personal to your cause.
  • Feed the Children’s ‘baby box’ by SOFII This is a story of classic product development. The baby box was devised specifically to respond to the need to maintain giving at a time when donor interest was flagging and the idea for it came from the best possible place – the charity workers on the front line. But the logic behind this initiative was unarguable and it proved to have lasting public appeal.
  • Girlguiding UK: Impact Report 2011 by SOFII Annual reports and their latest sidekick the impact report mustn't be boring – ever.
  • Greenpeace UK: Rang-tan and the story of dirty palm oil by Sonia Triki This landmark TV ad captured the hearts and minds of the public. It also helped Greenpeace tap into, and transform, the national conversation around palm oil.
  • Help the Aged: ‘you have this gift’ direct mail pack by SOFII Both the text on the envelope and the incentive in this classic direct mail pack from the 1980s have been copied frequently.
  • How Alzheimer's Society transformed it’s online giving experience by Joe Burnett Getting a donor’s online experience right is crucial for modern day charities. Find out how Alzheimer’s Society UK did just that and reaped massive rewards.
  • Imperial War Museum: Indra Sinha’s Eric Heaton ad, from 1985 by Carolina Herrera This is a classic press ad from advertising legend Indra Sinha that helped mend a leaky roof. It’ll have you in tears too, as it shows you how to tell a good story.
  • Islamic Relief: ‘Hey, you with the beard!’ Ramadan fundraising by SOFII These short, dramatic, upbeat videos, combined with a matched funding opportunity, led to a fantastic fundraising proposition for charity Islamic Relief.
  • Longstowe Church, Cambridgeshire, UK: restoration appeal by Anthony Clay ‘Recession? What recession? It all goes to show that good fundraising still works, recession or not.’ How a tiny congregation in rural England raised the huge sum needed to restore their splendid church.
  • Marie Curie and Yorkshire Building Society – The Hour of Need by SOFII Find out about the amazing work Marie Curie in the UK achieved through their partnership with the Yorkshire Building Society. They smashed their fundraising target, involved themselves at every level of YBS’ structure and reached deep into local communities. An inspiration.
  • Mencap: Christmas appeal by SOFII This is a colourful, well-designed appeal that makes very good use of an attractive and appropriate involvement device to raise more money – and make donors feel good.
  • Merlin’s Plumpy’Nut challenge: fun, easy, something anyone could do by SOFII Merlin’s challenge to the Twittersphere raised lots of money and reached people who had not previously heard of Merlin or the food crisis in Africa.
  • Mind Pause Box by Caroline Appleton A beautifully designed self-care subscription box that was tailor-made for its target audience and encourages regular giving for Mind -the Pause Box is a trailblazer.
  • NSPCC: 'Can't Look' TV ad that launched the Full Stop campaign by Giles Pegram CBE This shocking 1999 TV ad helped to launch the NSPCC's Full Stop campaign bringing the issue of child abuse into people's home but it's more powerful because of what you don't see.
  • NSPCC: first successful charity DRTV ad in the UK - ‘Ellie.’ by Giles Pegram CBE We continue to bring readers extraordinary campaigns from the NSPCC, this time the first successful direct response TV ad in the UK. Meet Ellie.
  • NSPCC’s Full Stop campaign - a fundraising triumph. Part five: recognition and consolidation by Giles Pegram CBE The Full Stop appeal itself was only one chapter in the story of this groundbreaking campaign, as Giles Pegram reveals how the NSPCC ensured its donors were properly recognised and its success in the appeal was consolidated.
  • NSPCC’s Full Stop campaign - a fundraising triumph. Part four: final challenges by Giles Pegram CBE In part four of the chronicle of the NSPCC’s Full Stop campaign, Giles Pegram CBE shares how the organisation responded to their massive appeal and broke a UK record.
  • NSPCC’s thank-you mailing by SOFII This bright, colourful direct mail pack is a winner all of itself. With the delightful, powerful booklet as well it couldn’t fail to inspire donors to send their own messages and, indeed, send in another donation to the cause they love.
  • Refuge: The Helen Titchener (nee Archer) Rescue Fund by Louise McCathie A fan of Radio BBC 4's popular programme 'The Archers' created an online fundraising page for Refuge in response to a domestic violence storyline. 
  • RNLI: ‘stand behind these men’ press ad by SOFII The message is simple and direct – it tells who the RNLI is, what it does, and gets straight to the point by asking what the reader will contribute. It also uses a photograph of a crew member at the top of the page – a tradition that continues today.
  • RNLI: the legacy letter by SOFII This is a classic example of a direct appeal to supporters, asking for information that will help plan future income. The candid, plain-speaking, respectful copy reminds supporters that RNLI relies heavily on legacies to fund their work. You can read the whole thing here.
  • RNLI: train one, save many campaign by SOFII A campaign from RNLI with a simple but powerful theme, message, image and call to action.
  • Royal National Lifeboat Institution: ‘boots’ advertisement by SOFII The shopping list is a classic fundraiser's device and this ad exploits the instrument to its full, offering the donor, in effect, the chance to kit out his or her hero.
  • RSPCA’s ‘sow tethering’ telephone campaign by SOFII Any marketing campaign that can have such an impact on members of parliament on the eve of taking their country to war has to be worth recording. This campaign is notable as one of the early UK examples of fundraisers using the telephone.
  • RSPCA’s pile of dead dogs advertisement by SOFII Some time around the turn of the 1980s Britain’s leading animal welfare charity, the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), produced a striking and controversial poster that positioned it as a campaigning organisation too.
  • Santa Dashes aplenty as the festive season approaches by Joe Burnett The Santa Dash is fun and colourful event that has spread across the UK and around the globe and raised money for a huge number of charities.
  • Snowdogs: Tails in Wales Trail by Joe Burnett This superbly interactive campaign made a lasting impact by helping raise significant funds for Welsh children's hospice Tŷ Hafan but also by engaging the local community of South Wales in a fun and interactive programme.
  • Solar Aid BBC Radio 4 appeal by Joe Burnett In 2013, when given the opportunity to be included in this prestigious appeal, SolarAid brought in renowned author Ian McEwan, a passionate supporter of the cause, to deliver the plea and outline the great work SolarAid does. Find out why.
  • StreetDoctors: helping victims of crime by SOFII When two young medical students were talking to a group of 11 to 16 year olds they were shocked to learn that either the youngsters, or someone they knew, had been shot or stabbed. That shock led to Streetdoctors, a charity that has fundraising embedded across the entire organisation.
  • The Dogs Trust: sponsor a dog scheme, television commercials by SOFII These television commercials are really part of the Dogs Trust sponsor a dog exhibit but they show such good use of DRTV they are worth an additional airing here. Unusually for nonprofit DRTV in the United Kingdom these ads made a profit from their first showing. Quite exceptionally, the early ads achieved a return on investment of five to one.
  • The National Asthma Campaign: Straws mailing by SOFII This revolutionary pack from 1991 features an irresistible involvement device, an easily detachable plastic drinking straw that readers are invited to detach, open and breathe through for less than a minute. It is an imaginative way of involving recipients and enabling them to feel for themselves what it’s like to live with asthma.
  • The perfect annual report by Giles Pegram CBE Veteran fundraiser Giles Pegram CBE argues that most charity annual reports are written about the organisation and don't focus on donors and beneficiaries.
  • The Salvation Army: UK Christmas appeal by SOFII Some donors have rational reasons for giving, some have emotional reasons and some go on a journey. Our strategy was to model this behaviour, to take the insight and analysis to new levels of understanding.
  • The Shires of Wood Green by SOFII An interesting take on animal sponsorship, created for an organisation that is fortunate to have a very attractive and substantial animal shelter in an attractive setting deep in the English countryside, where it is able to create a special world for regular donors.
  • Trends of the Covid-19 pandemic on fundraising in the UK and the USA by Daryl Upsall & Jorge Hernando Could a focus on young people and new avenues of fundraising be a key to beating the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic?
  • Two days in Dublin: fundraising inspiration in Ireland’s capital by Joe Burnett SOFII attended the Ask Direct Summer School, one of 2016’s most inspirational world class fundraising seminars. We were treated to thought-provoking, intriguing and engaging sessions by some of the sector’s leading lights. Here's part one of our reports.
  • University fundraising: how to reach younger alumni cost effectively by Adrian Salmon Thanks to Adrian Salmon and Leeds University, we’re able to bring you the first (but hopefully not the last) alumni fundraising exhibit. You can read about the strategy, see the adverts themselves and get a full break-down of their commendable results.
  • University of Oxford: legacy brochure by SOFII The dream inspires. A classic legacy promotion brochure with multiple enclosures shows you how it’s done. By providing an inspiring vision in the main document as well as individualised content in the template insert, this brochure has the ability to be as broad or as narrow as required.
  • Want to fight hatred and raise money for a good cause? Do it the fun way! by John Logan Fighting hatred with humour: learn how a satirical website and a leading foodbank charity took on notorious British tabloid journalist and hate-monger Katie Hopkins and raised a lot of money in the process.
  • WaterAid: The Big Dig by Reuben Turner A very fine example of how storytelling, done right, can change the world. Isn’t the infographic just great? (SOFII loves the crossed legs). This campaign is fun, innovative, engaging, emotional (imagine how you’d feel with no toilet…) and highly effective as, inevitably, real storytelling in real time was bound to be. Altogether brilliant.
  • Wood Green Animal Shelters: hungry mouths SMS Christmas campaign by SOFII The fundraising team at Wood Green Animal Shelters decided to be brave and try something new in their Christmas campaign – and it paid off. Their successful SMS campaign resulted in new donors and new gifts.
  • Wood Green Animal Shelters: urgent £3 food appeal by SOFII Wood Green, The Animals Charity changed their fundraising strategy and are now achieving better ROIs on their cold recruitment campaigns than ever before.
  • WWF: Virtual reality tiger experience by SOFII Experiential marketing and virtual reality are a roaring success for WWF UK's Adopt a Tiger face-to-face campaign.