CDE project 11f face to face: appen­dices 1 and 2 — case stud­ies and sources

Written by
The Commission on the Donor Experience
March 12, 2017

Sam Butler National Fundraising Manager St John Ambulance and Akin Daramola Wesser Ltd: Experience of media adverse article and the following audit actions and policies that we implemented to provide further evidence of safeguarding face to face fundraising.

Paula Radley Greenpeace private sites VR goggles take the supporters on a journey through the depleting icefields in the Arctic, or through the destruction of the natural habitat of the rainforests.

Gill Marshall Amnesty International Face to Face Manager. Shared the VR goggles that the UK F2F teams had used to transport potential donors from the UK street they stopped in, to the tragic landscape of Aleppo.

Andrej Naraicyn Face to Face Manager at Guide Dogs for The Blind. F2F teams take the dogs out on the streets for supporters to interact with.

Matt Atkinson Managing Director OneSixty. Care Int. Director of Fundraising working with their face to face teams.

Dominic Will Managing Director Home Fundraising. Working with Save the Children with face to face teams working to fundraise to those who attend the charities event at the Royal Albert Hall.

Gift Fundraising 2002 Campaign for Sense, using props designed by Blue Frog Agency to interact with the supporters.

Richard Dalgety International Face to Face Manager, Oxfam’s use of social media for the supporter to engage with their face to face team that cycled across the UK to recruit new supporters.

Chris Taylor Face to Face Manager at Oxfam, explaining their internal development process for staff, and shift in monitoring their fundraisers through traditional KPI’s, and moving to attrition levels to develop a better understanding amongst their workforce.

Justin Wylie Head of Strategy, Performance and Insight, Action Aid and David Cole Managing Director of fast.MAP Seminars held in conjunction with the ICO and the IoF on A Guide to Creating Charity Permission Statements.

Richard McStraw BHF Compliance Manager The need for policies and safeguarding to assist and guide fundraisers, with a strong audit trail to prove evidence of the actions and processes being followed.

Akin Daramola, Wesser Ltd. Campaign Manager Need for charity and agencies to work collaboratively, providing a presence at training days, and regular seminars to help f2f fundraisers have a better understanding of the charity’s needs.

Louise Lane Head of Direct Marketing at UNICEF and Sinead Chapman Strategy Director at Open; Integrate your biggest fundraising moment, Case Study: UNICEF 'Safe & Warm' Christmas Campaign at IoF Fundraising Convention 2016.

Rory White Managing Director Flow Caritas; Guardian article on the number of former face to face fundraisers now employed in management within charity fundraising teams.

Ian MacQuillin Director Raogare and Adrian Sargeant Director Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy: IoF Convention Relationship fundraising: where do we go from here.

Click on the image below to view project 11f in full - PDF format.

About the author: The Commission on the Donor Experience

The CDE has one simple ideal – to place donors at the heart of fundraising. The aim of the CDE is to support the transformation of fundraising, to change the culture to a truly consistent donor-based approach to raising money. It is based on evidence drawn from first hand insight of best practice. By identifying best practice and capturing examples, we will enable these to be shared and brought into common use.

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