SOFII’s June must-reads
- Written by
- Pamela Grow
- & Craig Linton
- Added
- June 04, 2014
Marketers have always known the power of a story. The Agitator with a simple twist on how to make your stories compelling for your donors.
Charlie Hulme wonders if ‘best’ practices should be doing better.
Yes, direct mail still works. But the old ‘churn and burn’ methods still in practice by many agencies need to end. Lynn Wester with‘stop the madness.’
Ken Burnett says that he too is proud to be a fundraiser.
The aptly named Nonprofit With Balls with general operating funds, admin expenses, and why we nonprofits are our own worst enemies. Amen!
Jay Love at Bloomerang says that we should stop fundraising, start relationship building.
Tobin Aldrich shares his seven secrets of successful fundraising.
Top tips
Complaining about our board members could be an Olympic sport. But what are you doing to empower your board members? When board members say ‘I’ll do anything but fundraise’ – four tips.
When it comes to online fundraising, it really is about the basics and making your donor’s donation experience as seamless as possible. John Haydon with 19 ways to raise more money from your donation pages.
How often have you heard these words: ‘But we don’t have a compelling cause like starving animals or cute children?’ Kivi Leroux Miller to the rescue with ‘fundraising to help child abusers, murderers and other unworthy people.‘
The Veritus blog on investing in your mid-level donors.
Of course you’ve heard: This ‘emotion’ business is all well and good for most organisations, but our donors are different. Ourdonors respond to logic.’ Not likely.
Erik Anderson at the Donor Dreams blog hosts an excellent nonprofit blog carnival. This month's topic? Loyalty. Check it out.
Ian MacQuillin asks if fundraising needs an ethics committee?
Veritus blog on investing in your mid-level donors.