Path for Life Medical Rehabilitation and Therapy Centre: ‘path to life’ concert in Uzhgorod City
- Exhibited by
- CSDF Hungary.
- Added
- August 31, 2009
- Medium of Communication
- Event, face to face
- Target Audience
- Single gift
- Type of Charity
- Healthcare
- Country of Origin
- Ukraine
- Date of first appearance
- August, 2005
SOFII’s view
This is a straightforward and very professionally run event, the first of its kind in Uzhgorod. It's success in this western Ukrainian city should encourage other nonprofit organisations that similar events can be staged elsewhere.
Creator / originator
Path to Life Medical Rehabilitation and Therapy Centre.
Summary / objectives
In August 2005 Path to Life Medical Rehabilitation and Therapy Centre organised a benefit concert in the small town of Uzhgorod in the Ukraine. The objective of the event was to raise money to support the centre and to introduce the concept of a benefit concert to the local community. A wide variety of artists performed at the concert and more than 400 people attended, as a result the entire event was broadcast by regional television. The Path to Life benefit concert is a very good example of how NGOs can provide great services and experiences to donors while introducing individual giving within a community.
This campaign was the first of its kind organised by Path for Life Medical Rehabilitation and Therapy Centre. It’s important to note that the concert benefited from a wide range of support from the city’s most important social organisations. For example, a music teacher was provided by the Regional Ministry of Culture and the Mayor’s office allowed the organisation to use the Philharmonia theatre free of charge.
Special characteristics
An interesting aspect of the campaign is that most of the advertising was done by word of mouth. Information about the event was passed around via school pupils and friends and relatives of Path to Life staff. The centre prepared and hand delivered special invitation cards to regional authorities, local hospitals and other town officials who could spread the word about the event. Concert posters were printed and displayed in local libraries and in the windows of local businesses. Finally, a press release was prepared in English and Ukrainian and the centre organised a press conference a few days before the concert.
Influence / impact
Approximately 400 people attended and the concert generated 910 euros. Since then, the Centre has received offers from other artists and on September 30 2005 the organisation hosted its second benefit concert. Besides organising a concert described as being of the highest quality by the ministry of culture, the first Path for Life concert managed to get both the local community and a substantial number of companies involved for the first time, giving both in-kind support and donations.
In addition to the funds raised this event generated substantial publicity and helped build many useful relationships for the centre, many of which will help when organising similar events in the future.
It’s the first event of its kind to be organised in a small town in the Ukraine and a perfect example of how effective a fundraising event can be at engaging local communities and involving them in nonprofit organisations and activities, when high quality services are provided.
Final notes
Adapted from CSDF’s 2006 publication Mission Possible.

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