CDE project 18 appen­dix 1: sources

Written by
The Commission on the Donor Experience
April 10, 2017

Sources that informed and influenced this project appear below.

Recommended Booklist 

To understand the paradigm shift, read:

Sticky Marketing by Grant Leboff

(updated to Stickier Marketing by Grant Leboff)

The New Rules of Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott

The Network Non-Profit by Beth Kanter

Digital Selling by Grant Leboff

See also the following publications referenced in the subsequent actions:

Relationship Fundraising by Ken Burnett

Start with the Why by Simon Sinek

Storytelling Can Change the World by Ken Burnett

Made to Stick by Dan and Chip Heath

The New Rules of Sales and Service by David Meerman Scott

Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service

by Kenneth Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles

Measuring the Network Non-Profit by Beth Kanter

Reports Referenced

Great Fundraising by Professor Adrian Sargeant and Professor Jen Shang, available via Alan Clayton Associates

Money for Good by New Philanthropy Capital.

Fundraising Perspectives with reflections from fundraisers(follow up report).

Corresponding author

Richard Turner


Click on the image below to view project 18 in full - PDF format.

About the author: The Commission on the Donor Experience

The CDE has one simple ideal – to place donors at the heart of fundraising. The aim of the CDE is to support the transformation of fundraising, to change the culture to a truly consistent donor-based approach to raising money. It is based on evidence drawn from first hand insight of best practice. By identifying best practice and capturing examples, we will enable these to be shared and brought into common use.

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CDE project 18 section 3: action 1 - understand the paradigm shift

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CDE project 18 section 3.1: action 2 - adopt the right mindset

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‘With consistency people will see and hear without a shadow of a doubt what you believe.’

Simon Sinek

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CDE project 18 section 3.3: action 4 - tell your mission story

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CDE project 18 section 3.4: action 5 - get your supporters to share your story for you

‘Your best marketers and your best fundraisers today are not you. Your best marketers and fundraisers are the people - the ecosystem - you create around - the audience you build’

Grant Leboff.

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CDE project 18 section 3.5: action 6 - provide an experience that donors will talk about

An ideal opportunity to inspire supporters to spread your story is simply when people give or choose to fundraise for you. It is when they have taken the emotional decision to support you.

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CDE project 18 section 3.6: action 7 - be ready to react

As your story begins to spread by your supporters, you should get an increase in inbound enquiries or offers of support that are not a result of a direct response communication, i.e. they are a result of people hearing your story from others they know and trust.

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CDE project 18 section 3.7: action 8 - set up new measures

Adopting a mindset of how to inspire people to spread your story rather than target them for money will need new measures away from direct ROI. 

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CDE project 18 appendix 2: Sticky Marketing & Digital Selling

In November 2016, Rory White, founder of Flow Caritas, hosted an event with Grant Leboff, author of ‘Sticky Marketing’ and ‘Digital Selling’. A group of Directors of Fundraising were invited to hear his views on marketing, and how it applies to fundraising. Here is an edited transcript of his key address to the group, reproduced with permission from Grant and Rory. 

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