London 2015
Eighteen well-known figures from the third sector came together in London, on the 10th of September to present an idea that they felt changed the face of fundraising — an innovative, replicable idea that we can all learn from. This was an opportunity to meet some of the most creative and stimulating people in fundraising, be inspired and get ahead with your career.
Sandra Luther
‘Social Swipe’: raising money for Misereor through interactive posters
This was the world's first interactive advertisement display able to accept credit card donations. All potential donors had to do to donate €2 to German international development charity MISEREOR was swipe their credit card through a specially designed poster. Once they'd done this, they received instant feedback on what their gift would achieve.
Sandra Luther is the customer success manager of online and event fundraising solutions at Blackbaud Europe.
Peter Lewis
StreetDoctors: helping victims of crime
Started by volunteers, StreetDoctors remains committed to continuing to use them wisely and well. It is just so great to see a charity that understands so well that fundraising must be the responsibility of everyone throughout the entire organisation if it is to succeed.
Peter Lewis is Chief Executive of the Institute of Fundraising.
Michelle Chambers
A very welcome addition to the challenge event portfolio for a number of UK charities, Tough Mudder is a global brand that puts much emphasis on its charitable dimension.
Michelle is the Managing Director of the leading international consultancy THINK consulting Solutions a long term supporter of SOFII
Adil Husseini
Clever use of lenticular printing to send kids a secret message that adults can't see in these child-abuse poster ads.
Adil is Head of Fundraising & Marketing at the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)
Georgia Bridgwood
The Connection at St Martin’s: Donate Locate
The Connection at St Martin’s ‘Donate Locate’ app is a way to help someone living on the streets when donors feel most compelled to give – the moment they see him, or her. The app will locate the person they want to help and they can make a donation confident that it is going to the right place.
Georgia is Head of Marketing and Supporter Development at MQ: Transforming Mental Health.
Simon Burne
William Quarrier – the most determined fundraiser of all time?
Be inspired by the most determined fundraiser of all time. Using an approach not designed for the faint-hearted, William Quarrier went into a room full of wealthy people and walked out with enough money to fund a village for homeless children in Glasgow. But how did he do it? And what can we learn from this fundraising superstar?
Simon has worked in the voluntary sector for 38 years, the last 27 in fundraising and marketing. He's currently Interim Fundraising Director at Kidney Research UK.
Sam Butler
Different ways to raise money for charities nowadays are seemingly endless. Yet the humble collection tin continues to stand silently by thousands of tills in shops, pubs, or in the hands of generous volunteers.
Sam is National Fundraising Manager at St John's Ambulance.
Ben Swart
Having trouble finding volunteers for your charity? If yes, then please go to this great case history. Its splendid use of video shows that people really do want to help others less fortunate – you just have to give them a way to do it.
Ben is the Head of New Partnerships at the NSPCC.
Paul Amadi
Paul Amadi is the Executive Director of Fundraising at MS Society. He brings with him two decades worth of experience and a strong track record of improving the performance at some of the UK’s most high profile charities including Diabetes UK, NSPCC, RNIB, Sense and Leonard Cheshire. Paul also served six years as a trustee of the Institute of Fundraising, including three as its Chair. He is Chair of the International Fundraising Congress and a Trustee of SeeAbility.
Louise Parkes
Royal National Lifeboat Institution RNLI: Lifeboat Launch SMS alerts
An insightful use of technologythat bringsRNLI donors closer to the lifesaving work.This text service allows donors to donate each time their chosen lifeboat is out saving lives and to receive an alert of launches in real-time.
Louise is Director of Fundraising at the British Heart Foundation
Laura Croudace
Humans of New York: the power of storytelling for social fundraising
Humans of New York has been a stunning example of community engagement through social media and a demonstration of the power of storytelling since its launch in 2010. And now, it is also a model for crowdfunding.
Laura is Partnerships and Engagement Manager at The Resource Alliance.
Stephanie Drummond
Stephanie Drummond is the Student Fundraising Manager for The Children’s Society. She joined The Children's Society’s regional fundraising team in October 2012, after Graduating from Sheffield University. Having studied Health care and Development Economics she was motivated to work for a children’s charity after learning how austerity impacts on society and the wellbeing of children. During her role as Chair of Sheffield University RAG committee she caught the ‘fundraising bug’ and luckily has never recovered.
Alexandra Aggidis
Jack Draws Anything was the idea of a Scottish six-year-old, Jack Henderson. He wanted to raise money for the Royal Hospital for Sick Children because he was grateful to them for looking after his brother, Noah. So, Jack said he would draw anything in return for a donation.
Alexandra Aggidis is Supporter Acquisition Fundraiser at Scope and won a speaker's place at IWITOT after entering an audition I Want To Talk At That.
Lisa Clavering
This is the classic ‘sponsor-an-animal’ fundraising product, developed to a very high degree of technical excellence, which has led to quite extraordinary fundraising success for its initiator, Dogs Trust.
Lisa is Anthony Nolan's Digital Fundraising Manager,
Matthew Sherrington
Now here’s a challenge for you. How would you raise money if you didn’t have all the innovations we have today? No direct mail, no telephone, no face to face… Click here to discover how Oxfam, back in the 1960s, collected 300,000 regular pledged gifts without such aids.
Matthew Sherrington has over 20 years’ experience of charity marketing and leadership internationallyand now runs his own consultancy, Inspiring Action.
Tobin Aldrich
The Foundling Hospital appeal, 1728-1745
Raffles, art gallery events and benefit concerts are common ways to raise money today – but when Thomas Coram was fundraising for the Foundling Hospital in Georgian London he employed all these methods. In fact, some might say he invented them!
Tobin is currently CEO of Misfit Foundation, non-executive Chairman of Audience, Associate at Tarnside Consulting and Principal of Aldrich Fundraising.
Eifron Hopper
‘Behind the clock’ legacy marketing – if you aren’t doing it, perhaps you should be
Why our legacy messages, as well as being compelling and memorable, should be frequent and delivered to our donors via as many appropriate channels as possible.
Eifron has worked in the charity sector since 1993. Though he specialises in legacies, he has experience of a wide range of fundraising and has worked for both large and small charities.
Reuben Turner
Centrepoint ‘sponsor a room’: donor acquisition
This exhibit is proof that traditional direct response fundraising can still work in the current climate. It demonstrates simple yet effective press advertising (plus a bit of TV and direct mail too) combined with a clever use of digital technology.
Reuben Turner is creative director of GOOD Agency.