Wel­come to SOFII’s direct mail show­case: con­tents and index

With a new design and break­down, SOFI­I’s trea­sure trove of superb fundrais­ing direct mail cam­paigns and expert advice is bet­ter than ever. And eas­i­er to use too.

Written by
Joe Burnett
December 11, 2018

Despite greatly exaggerated claims of its impending demise, direct mail remains by a long way the fundraiser’s preferred method of getting and keeping in touch with supporters, perhaps less than in the past for acquisition, but increasingly for donor relationship building and development.

Now with new regulations designed to put donors in control of their data there’s an emerging opportunity for fundraisers to put best-quality data management at the heart of donor communication strategies. Fundraisers’ legitimate interest to communicate with all supporters via direct mail seems set to ensure that this most potent of fundraising’s tools will be given renewed importance in coming years.

After all, who doesn't love to get a really great letter, bursting with impact and energy, telling with power and passion a gripping, moving story of how you can easily, effectively make a lasting difference to an issue you care deeply about? Wouldn't your heart soar to receive such a thing?

That's why direct mail works so well, for new donors as well as established friends.

In this special showcase SOFII readers will find literally hundreds of detailed examples of direct mail, showing what works and what doesn’t. Including SOFII Stars, highlighting some of the world’s best. Also look out for brilliant direct mail from 800 years ago. Plus Lisa Sargent’s thank-you letter clinics.  And don’t miss Jerry Huntsinger’s 55 special tutorials on how to make direct mail work for you.

* indicates really great use of direct mail. Please nominate your choice/ choices of great fundraising direct mail by posting a comment in the comments box below each exhibit. You’ll be helping other fundraisers when you do.

Direct mail from the UK

Click here to return to the direct mail showcase home page.

About the author: Joe Burnett

Joe Burnett

Joe Burnett (he/him) cut his teeth as an intern at the Association of French Fundraisers, he then embarked on a career in advertising before returning to where his heart lay: in the charities sector. Joe is passionate about fundraising and how it can be a force for positive change in the world. 

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